Warnings about survivial in the newspaper

Joe Portale

New member
Okay, I have not read the entire article, but the Mrs. read it aloud to me while I was here on TFL.

The Tucson Comrade is (those of you who get it page 3A) stating that we should lay in supplies, have cash on hand and be ready for power outages that may last up to a few weeks. Has anyone else seen this type of thing in their paper or on their local news?

And fess up, how many of you folks been either busy at the reloading press or hitting the gun shows for ammo? Just curious.

Me? Guilty on both counts. I even layed in a stash of components in a different place, just in case. Hey, they won't go bad and when this blows over, I've saved myself a trip to the store. :D


New member
When I was a pup we would get snowed in once in a while. Sometimes we lost power for extended periods. We always had a few months of essentials on hand and the ability to add fresh stores at will. Still that way.

So, no, nothing special bein done here.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Maybe it's an age thing. Since I seriously took up hunting and fishing in 1963 upon my return home to Texas, I haven't had to sweat the Survivalist Years, Y2K or 9-11.

I've been sorting through the "what to get rid of" stuff...

:), Art


For some reason, I just had the strangest compulsion to buy another Night Vision Rifle Scope.

I can REALLY see those things being taken off the free market soon....

To save the children from the high capacity assault pocket rocket saturday night special sniper rifle scopes.

Joe Portale

New member
The two papers in Tucson, both printed by the TNI Partnership by the way. Two papers, two diffeent "companies" owned by the same parent corporation...what can I say.

The Morning Paper is the "Star" or as it has become lovingly know to RKBA advocates "The Red Star". The evening paper is the "Tucson Citizen" and for the same reasons it is called the "Tucson Comrade". I think the papers even run the same editorials and articles. The funny pages are somewhat different, but both of these papers are so far to the left they can not even see the curve in the road.

Joe Portale
AKA Stuckatwork


New member
I havent felt the need to stock up yet. Unfortunately if the s*%t hits the fan accross the pond the wife and kids will go to WVA while I join in the fight over there.
Don't tell me everyone got rid of their Y2K stash? I just moved; one truck load was ammo, the other food.

Sure glad I got those gas masks when I had the chance, too.


New member
owned an American Flag, guns and ammo b4 9/11/01

No newpaper articles like that showing up here....(oregon)

However being apartment dwellers in a small rural town we have made contigency plans to evac to parents house 5 miles away.....should any need arise.

Food, gas, well water, 2 generators, camping gear, wood burning stove....etc all there.

We are taking the precaution of keeping the gas tanks full, cashon hand and buying same food by the case.....(more for winter storms than terrorists)