Warning to Kali people.

50 shooter

New member
I wanted to post this here, I know most have probably read it on THR. I know Tom so this isn't BS, hope his friend doesn't go to jail.

I have a friend who had a search warrant executed by the LA gun task force at his apartment, which is located above a home, within LA city limits a few months back. This task force is headed up by ATF, with LAPD and LASO being the primary agencies participating. Pursuant to the warrant execution, one Springfield M1A with its' original flash hider attached and numerous .50 cal incindiary type bullets were seized. My friend was not arrested at the time and led to believe the case might not even be prosecuted. The task force left his entire gun collection, which is extensive, with him at his apartment. A little more info here for you to consider. My friend has no criminal record of any kind, is a decorated Vietnam vet, is gainfully employed as a carpenter, and is law abiding.

A couple of weeks ago, the task force arrived at his apartment and arrested my friend and charged him with five felonies. He was taken to jail where he remained for two days until his bail was set and met. He is charged with being in possession of an unregistered assault rifle, and in possession of destructive devices, and in possession of destructive devices within so many feet of a school. Five felonies under California law in total.

Being a retired ATF special agent myself, I contacted the case agent who happens to be a LAPD dectective assigned to the task force. I asked him why such a chicken ##### case was being prosecuted. Why were they ruining my friend's life after his service to our country and the fact that he has no past criminal record. I asked him what happened to law enforcement using common sense and discretion in a case like this. The detective told me they didn't make the laws, but it was their job to enforce the law and that the DA has a no tolerence policy regarding firearms.

I tried to explain to him that the M1A rifle with its' original flash hider was legally sold to 1000's of people in CA before the assault rifle law was even enacted. Many of these original owners to this day do not know they are in violation by having the flash hider on their rifle. The detective didn't care. I explained that on at least two prior occasions I had contacted DOJ myself and had been informed the explosive bullets were legal in California as they are under ATF law, as long as they were not loaded into a case and able to fire. He said that was incorrect info and that under CA law the bullets alone are destructive devices and that each individual bullet could be charged separately.

So, I got nowhere with the detective. The case is going forward. My friend if convicted, is looking at the minimum of two years in state prison. I will be testifying as an expert at his trial and try to inform the jury exactly what is going on here. The task force wants numbers so they can get more money. The DA's office wants numbers, as well. So does ATF, all at the expense of my friend. Trust me, the agencies do not care about my friend.

So, we should all take heed of this case. I got rid of my bullets immediately upon hearing of the search warrant. My advice to CA residents is to do the same, and take their unregistered so called assault rifles out of the state. We all need to realize what we are dealing with in California. Tom
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50 shooter

New member
Here's the latest news.

Someone got into a jam with the task force, and gave up my friend's name as having the flash hider on the M1A. That's how law enforcement works it... they get something on someone and then informs them how they can help themself out by giving up someone else they might know who is dirty. This is fine if we are talking about major crime, but to have to stoop this low is amazing to me. I always focused on serious crimes against society, not this nitpicky minor stuff. But, it is not minor to my friend. He's most likely going to become a convicted felon, have to give up all his firearms and spend some time in prison. Unbelievable. California is out of control. Now they are trying to make any rifle that has a detachable mag and isn't already an assault rifle, an assault rifle and would require registration. This is our attorney generals latest plan. As I understand it, this would include rimfires. This will get Ruger mini 14's, and CA legal Springfield M1A's that have a muzzle brake instead of the flash hider. Anyway, what's left for me is to get out of here sooner than later. I'm working on that as we speak. Tom


Staff Alumnus
Spot the inconsistency:

The detective told me they didn't make the laws, but it was their job to enforce the law and that the DA has a no tolerence policy regarding firearms.

Which is a bovine exhaust excuse that didn't stand up at Nuremburg 60 years ago, and is a coward's shield now.

Many of these original owners to this day do not know they are in violation by having the flash hider on their rifle. The detective didn't care.

So do they enforce the law, or not? Answer: only when there's political hay to be made. :mad:

50 shooter

New member
Here's the latest.

I found out some more info on this, the guy was outed by someone else but he's also an idiot. He placed the flash hider back on the rifle knowing full well that he wasn't suppose to! The ammo is just part of the whole issue and there's nothing that he can do (almost) about it.

I will say this, if you're approached by anyone with a first name that starts with a " P " for any gun stuff, walk away! And don't turn around, take my advice seriously.


The detective told me they didn't make the laws, but it was their job to enforce the law and that the DA has a no tolerence policy regarding firearms.

Unless the offender is an LEO. Then he might get a ride home, paid leave while the investigation is conducted.:barf:


50 shooter,sorry to hear that your friend has been victimized by the north korean puppet state of Kali.People who love freedom and guns have no business living in kali.The state was lost years ago to the marxist anti-freedom,gun hateing,christian hateing homosexuals.People need to get out anyway they can,and start over,painful as that maybe.I did it 16 years ago and never regreted it.:(


New member
These tactics are the same ones the ATF have been using since....well, before I was around.
It's not just Californians who should be worried.


New member
These tactics are the same ones the ATF have been using since....well, before I was around.
It's not just Californians who should be worried.

As for law-abiding, gun-owning Americans living in CA, they should either escape or resign themselves to being masochist serfs. Last year, I snuck across the CA border and into the U.S., looking for a better life. And found it.


New member

Dear 50,
Remember Randy Weaver? That was a stunning wake up call, but notice the hypocrisy. Please don't get me wrong here, I love my LEO buddies who mostly are concerned in the same ways. It's the politically ambitious that you have to watch out for. See my other post under minors with firearms. Our Commonwealth's Attorney is vehemently anti gun. I did jury duty on a murder/self defense trial where the guy was jumped by two perps. He's crippled and had just had double hernia ops., he shot both and killed one with a 15 shot 92FS, we got the whole production of "Saddam Hussien terrorizing the neighborhood, filling the sky with lead, etc." while waving this thing around. It was disgusting.
They outlawed the street sweeper 12 ga. years ago under the same dispicable B/S, even though not one had ever been used in a crime. Well, what's a pump with an 8 round tube or a Benelli with a detac. mag.? If you can, contact John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute in Charlottesville,Va. and the NRA or SAF legal divisions. They've got some top notch barristers that may be able to help him.
Also, notice how the dispaity of Federal vs State laws. If it's for medical marijuana they want the state to have preemenence, but if it's a firearm issue where the Supreme court has ruled that Federal Firearms laws have precedent then they want them thrown out and let the state prevail. Our whole system is no longer about truth or justice or the right/common sense thing to do, it's all about money, power, and politics.
After his case is over then you cut out of there and move here to Virginia. You are welcome with open arms, I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee. If all the decent and sane folks will leave Ca. for better areas then I have a pretty good idea where the next fence can go. Hang in there Bro, tell your friend thoughts and prayers go out for him.


New member
as a resident of the "Socialist Republic of Mexico" aka California The Gun laws here SUCK as for leaving I have Thought about it Numerous times. Somehow it just seems Unamerican to cut and run. My family has ben in the same Town for over 125 years, the town I live in wasnt even a town when my family first got here. When the laws get so bad that my 10-22 is an assult weapon I will pray that I get deported to Switzerland Or Isreal they atleast have better Gun Laws. But if I run to Nevada or Idaho or Arizona how long will it be before the stupidity Catches up to me?


New member
FRANK1669.... Have to agree with you, that Nevada has become an "Eastern County of Kalifornia"!! Especially here in Clark County (Las Vegas area). Only county in NV where you HAVE TO


New member
.... (hit the wrong button) ..... HAVE TO REGISTER YOUR HANDGUNS WITHIN 24 HOURS if moving to Clark County. Well, lets put it this way.... only the upstanding citizens will register, not the gangbangers or BG's...



New member
hey if they were able to actualy pass registration on a federal level how many ppl. do you know that will register? (this aplies to those of us that dont have to be registered now)


New member
Frank1669, don't think of it as cutting and running, think of it as bailing out. Even the best pilot doesn't stick with a burning, plummeting aircraft he can't save.

As for where to go, let your parachute drift you over enemy lines and into friendly territory. To switch metaphors, you need to go someplace where the California locusts haven't flocked to and are busily eating everything down to the nub. Florida is a good choice. There are others.


New member
Frank1669, don't think of it as cutting and running, think of it as bailing out. Even the best pilot doesn't stick with a burning, plummeting aircraft he can't save.
Maybe I am just a hopeless romantic type or something But the last time I check California Was still part of the Unided States. Even thow I havent been to most of our country I Still believe It is the gratest Nation of all. And it needs to be Kept whole They tried a split in the 1860s that cost to many lives to let it be split again. The only way I can but it to sort of make since is look at the USA as a Car. If you get a flat tire do you get rid of the car or cut of the flat and drive on three tires, No you fix the tire and go on. Although I have to admit when it comes to California I feel like I am tring to change a Flat tire in the middle of the Freeway with no tools- kind of pointless and dangerous. But I refuse to give in Just yet.Its not just for me, some day I want to have children. Every generation has lost freedoms and not just in California, Things my Father did as a child I couldnt do, they same will be true for my Children. Or freedoms are slowly being whittled away If we dont try to stop it now, when will we?


New member
I used to think that way, until I left CA. Now I think differently. I think that if all pro-gun people moved out of CA and into the other states, the pro-gun stances of those other states would strengthen and might even eventually draw CA along. Contrary to popular belief, not every trend starts in CA and spreads out from there. Some trends start elsewhere and spread to CA.


New member
Frank1669 - But if I run to Nevada or Idaho or Arizona how long will it be before the stupidity Catches up to me?

You needn't worry about that....Idaho has a nuclear powered generator backup inbound-stupidity filter system that starts at our border. We run it 24/7 :D