Warning: Noob question enclosed.


New member
Hey guys,

I've been checking out the forum now for a few days, ever since stumbling onto it through a google search. First of all, thanks for having such varied opinions and being pretty much knowledgable in almost every subject I can think of.

Now, my question is simply this: Is there a fairly low cost, magazine fed, semi-automatic rifle ( Approx $300-350 ) that shoots a round with a good amount of punch ( drop a mountain lion kind of power, but not specifically for hunting use ) that doesn't cost a small fortune to plink with every month or two? Pretend I'm brand new to firearms, since I am kind of just now getting back into them. I had a psycho ex girlfriend who hated firearms and was completely against us owning any.

Since her departure of last year, I got my ol' Marlin 25N back from my grandpa, bought a Remington Model 597 to upgrade my .22 shooting, and just last month bought a new Glock 17 Nite-Site for my 21st birthday. After firing the 9mm pistol, the .22's just don't have the magic they used to carry. Found what I researched to be a Hi-Point 9mm Carbine at one of our gun stores for around $220, but forums here say this may not be such a great choice.

Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance. :cool:


New member
Problem #1--
I had a psycho ex girlfriend who hated firearms and was completely against us owning any.

Problem #2--
After firing the 9mm pistol, the .22's just don't have the magic they used to carry.

Just joking with you a little. Seriously, though, welcome to TFL. The SKS is a pretty good fit within your requirements. It fires a 7.62x39mm cartridge. This is .308 bullet in a short case and packs quite a bit of 'punch'. Not very accurate, (no flames please, I mean compared to precision arms) but great plinkers. You might also be able to find a FAL in .308 for around the $350 mark. They are pretty good high-caliber plinkers. You might even consider one of the Hi-Point pistol caliber carbines (rumor has it that there is going to be a .45 soon) in .40 or 9mm.



New member
For your qualifications, an SKS is all that is coming to mind. Unless you can find a cheap (probably used) Remington 7400.


New member
Youd love an SKS they arent greatly accurate and dont in my opinion have enough to take deer down but its done all the time. They are cheap, really really simple and tons of fun.

other than that you could go to a .22 mag rimfire or maybe a reminton 7400, 740 or 742 (all basically the same gun just slightly altered with the 7400 being the newest)


New member
Just IMHO, save up your lunch money and get yourself a Ruger Mini-30. I like leverguns myself, but I have a feeling the Ruger would be just what you're looking for.


New member
The SKS will certainly work, especially if you bed it properly and throw on a tech-sight you should be set to go and have enough money left for some ammo on top of that.


New member
Check out the Yugo SKS's.....AND....Saiga AK's. Saiga makes an AK with a longer hunting-style stock and it's available in both 7.62x39 like the SKS or the more powerful .308


New member
A vote for the AK-47. Just try to avoid the Romanian WASR-10's imported by Century Arms. They have poor finishes, sloppy assembly in general, and a trigger-group that WILL slap your fingers silly. Look for a good MAK-90 or SAR-1. If you're patient, you can find one in the $350 price range. I prefer any AK-47 to the SKS by a country mile since they fire from ultra-reliable 30-round removable mags, as opposed to 10-round stripper clips. Much handier too, and just tough-as-nails-dependable-no matter-what-you-do-to-it.


New member
+100 on the SKSs...Enough power for most "big game" (deer and such), at least at short range, decent for HD, cheap to buy and cheap to shoot. More accurate than an AK or AK clone. Utterly reliable.


New member
jfrey123, welcome to TFL.

For $300-$350, you actually may be able to find a used Ruger 99/44 Deerfield carbine in .44mag. Lots of punch in a handy package, although its magazine capacity is limited. Last used one I saw in a shop cost about that much.


New member
I can't believe that none of you guys have mentioned the Hi point carbine!

I dont have one, but all of you guys swear by it, and is is certainly cheap. IMO 9mm or .40 S&W would be enough for a mountain lion. With a .308 or 7.62X39, you would leave quite a hole.

Also, +1 on the ruger deerfield carbine.


New member
If you up your funds just a little bit, you might even include a CETME, it's a spanish made 308 like an H&K 91.

Saiga makes a 308 for about 330-360, you can find it better if you find a used one, but magazines are not very available is the main complaint I hear from people.

SKS would be good, or a remington 7400/742/740. I picked up a 742 for $250 bucks a couple months ago, they can be chambered in 308, 30-06, or several other calibers. I bought mine so that I wouldn't feel bad shooting the corrosive korean 30-06 out of my other guns. :)


New member

It's hard to find center fire plinking ammo cheaper than 9mm luger. It is certainly enough to bring down a cougar.

You might pic up a used Ruger PC or a Marlin camp 9 in your price range.




New member
I agree with Skeeter, a mini-thirty would be a great way to go if you save up a lil change. Ive had mine for about 7 years now and it works great and is really accurate, if you do buy one and want some extended mags for it though, make sure you look around and buy good ones. I bought some 20 rounders at a gun show before I knew any better and they are POS's. I cant remember how much mine cost when I got it but it was around 350-400 brand new.



New member
As far as ACTUAL owners of hi-point carbines go, they love them, and swear by them.

Also, I have a yugo SKS and it certainly fits your criteria (stripper clips are actually quite fun) and it's more accurate than your typical AK.