"War of the Rats"


New member
Anyone else read this book about the famous sniper duel in Stalingrad? Good book, but one thing is confusing to me: the German character in the book is a Colonel and is named "Thorvald," but the other accounts I've seen all say he was a Major named "Konings" or "Konig." What's the deal?


New member
I found it a bit lame. The writer describes the snipers as laying for hours with their eye pressed tightly against the scope, so that there was a ring indentation around their eye sockets. Anyone that's fired a scoped rifle would know that's a sure receipe for a semi-circular cut around the eye.

I also didn't like the favorable light that was shown on the commies. The wench character continually infuriated me; she's so worldly, fighting a battle that no one can understand, not.


New member
I found it "interesting" but extremely lame! Loved when the one expert "Russian" sniper "instructor" referred to himself as as "Russian" and praised the Mosin over the '98. The best part was when he praised the "gas system" of the Mosin as being superior to that of '98!

Save your time for shooting! This book is lame!

Regards! DaMan

[This message has been edited by DaMan (edited October 10, 2000).]


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The writer describes the snipers as laying for hours with their eye pressed tightly against the scope, so that there was a ring indentation around their eye sockets. [/quote]

May be they were using their scopes for ot just shooting, but for spotting too. When I sit with binoculars and glass a valley or hillside for hours my eyes get rings around them too.