WAR just declared on Isreal by Arafat!


Staff Emeritus
Just now? He's been at war with Israel for the last 30 years that I know of. PLO, PLF and all that...



New member
Lawdog that was my though also, now if the U.S Congress ever declares war again that will make me stop to think.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

Do you really think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breakings laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law breakers--and then you cash in on guilt.

Carry concealed so as not to spook the herd. "Some TFL Member?"

Some Problems require an LGM-118A Solution.

Jay Baker

New member
Don't worry about a thing, boys and girls. Our Illustrious Leader, the Supreme Shogun, the Imperial Potentate, our Lord and Master, his most Royal Majesty, King Klinton, will go over there and solve all their problems. Won't take him but a few hours, and then he'll be free to sample some of the feminine delights of the Mid-Eastern persuasion.

See how simple it is?? J.B.


New member
Arafat called the Israeli retaliation for the butchering of three soldiers an act of war. But he never said what he considered the butchering to be. I guess an unfortunate accident.



New member
You cannot make peace with a people who are dedicated to your destruction and place it in their charter - PLO Arafats group


New member
There have been some who claimed that while these "peace" negotiations have been going on between Israel and Arafat, the PLO never bothered to alter their charter objective to destroy Israel...and that in order to maintain "street credibility", Arafat kept it real all these years by assuring hardliners that his ultimate objective was to push the Jews out, peace overtures nonwithstanding.

If these allegations are credible and provable, why didn't the US and international media bring up such contradictions?

Also, are there any Jewish residents left in Egypt, Jordan (two nations with political ties to Israel), Syria, Saudi Arabia, or any other nations in that region? If so, what horrors are they being subjected to now and why isn't the international press scoping out their situation...or, perhaps, aside from occassional tourists and diplomats, etc, Jews are no longer permitted to live within the borders of Islam ruled countries and their property was confiscated when they were chased out
years ago. Israel may truly be the last refuge of the Jews.

What is sad is that ethnically and culturally, mideastern Jewry and the Palestinians share a common heritage. Equally sad is that across the region, the nations of Islam squabble about territorial, theological, political and ethnic differences and only seem to support one another when it comes time to stand against Israel or the West.


New member
Things would be a lot easier of Mohammed didn't come along and relabel Judaism and turn a bunch of people into a seperate group with functionally the same religion.

Ah well. They were great at one time. If you lived in the middle east during the time of Saladin, and were anything but a Catholic, life was good. If you lived under crusaders, life was bad no matter who you were. Sad to see Islam has become such foamy mouthed fanatics of late.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me

Compromising the right position only makes you more wrong.


New member
Wanna see some media bias on this issue?

Look at this amazing interview with Christine Amanpour and Ehud Barak:

She really is agressive with him, borderline accusatory.

This comment in particular made me gain a lot of respect for Barak:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>BARAK: Christiane, try to imagine that you have a farm, it's attacked by rebels. You respond. Unfortunately, they are trying to kill you respond. You kill five of them and one of your family was killed. Is it fair to say that unless you will kill or let someone else kill another four of your family, it's not satisfactory? It makes him, not just the Hamas and Islamic Jihad, responsible for the following terrorist attacks that might easily come. We have to be able to make it clear. It's like you have lost today at the near Aden port four sailors and some, maybe 12, that disappeared. When you try to ask yourself, what's that, is it something offensive that the vessel had done? It's nonsense. Butchering is the intention of terrorists, to take the life of Americans since you are standing firm for freedom and against terror. And that's exactly what the world expects the leaders of the free world to do.[/quote]

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me

Compromising the right position only makes you more wrong.

Idaho Mike

New member
I guess somebody needs to remind Barak, yet again, that if it wasn't for "terrorists," Isreal wouldn't exist. Of course, those terrorists were Jews and went on to become prime ministers and cabinet members.
I will also add that, if not for "terrorists," the British would still own Ireland and the Palestinians would be just another shabby bunch of refugees, pushed out of their homes by international deal-makers.
I you can't afford B-52s, missile cruisers and a tank corps, you're a "terrorist" if you use violence to fight violence.
We've all been there.
End of rant.

David Scott

New member
Basic problem:

You have different groups all saying, "This place is the holy place of my religion. You nonbelievers, infidels and heathens have no right to be here defiling it with your unclean presence. It is our holy place, given to us alone by the One True God. We will not share it."

I hate to be at a total loss, but I have no idea how this can be resolved without a "last man standing" scenario. I wish I knew; a Nobel Peace Prize would look nice next to my motorcycle rally trophies.


New member
Evil Irv Homer, Libertarian talkshow host on WWDB 96.5 FM is trying to figure out just why the Palestinians regard Jerusalem a such a holy site, especially when the Palestinians pray in the direction of Mecca and Medina (sp?). Irv pointed out that Arafat isn't supposed to be a 100% Palestinian, if at all, and is a relative of some cat known as The Grand Mufti (sp?) who sided with the Nazis against the Jews and Allies in WW II.
Homer was trying to figure out why the Arab nations that expelled the Palestinians kept arming them (something that America and a United States brow beaten Israel have also done) and inciting them to violencee - could it be that those other countries are virulently Anti-Semitic and want dupes? Arafat wants more money that Clinton promised him.

Irv repeated a claim he has made several times previously - that no American servicemen died defending Israel while scores were murdered protecting the oil interests of other nations in that world, including those soldiers butchered in Beruit.

So far as the Israel being founded by terrorists - one can say the same about the birth of our nation against a foreign tyranny that all too many colonists were willing to peacefully accept. Doesn't Israel have a claim on that territory dating back to the Old Testament?

Homer, a stern pro self defense advocate, seems to feel that the US is the best nation in the world, though it has faults (stigmatizing and annihilating folks like the Waco communitya, destruction of Native Americans, the treatment of slaves - who, once freed, couldn't even vote till a century later).