Wanting a gun you don't need?


New member
Do you ever find yourself wanting a gun that doesn't really fit any your particular needs?

I don't hunt or compete, so realistically, anything I buy will either be a carry gun or a "range toy". My carry needs are filled with a Springfield EMP .40 S&W, so I'm basically just looking at range toys.

The thing is, I've always loved the Walther PPK and PPK/S. But for a range gun, all I can think about is the short barrel, short sight radius and mediocre sights, so I don't know if I'd be happy with the accuracy. Then there's the (non)-availability of .380 ACP, so I'd be reloading my own. Doesn't stop me from wanting one, though.

Then there's the Brugger & Thomet TP9. I know, I know, it's on most peoples' "ugliest gun" list, but there's something about it I like. Plus, it's chambered in 9mm, with a fairly long barrel for a pistol (about 5.5 inches). I think the accuracy is there as well, as several reviews have published 1.5-1.8" groups with it at 25 yards. And, the local Marine Corps Exchange has one left with the price knocked down to $874 out-the-door. (MSRP is in the $1250 range, and most shops have it for around $1050 or so.)

I don't know why I went on so long with this post - I'm not really looking for anyone to talk me into or out of either gun. I was just wondering if anyone else finds themselves seriously considering gun(s) that don't really fill a need for them.


New member
Aside from using for home defense, and carry once I get my permit, I don't NEED any guns. But I want them all! Haha.

I grew up around my grandpa having about 3 rifle cases stuffed with shotguns, rifles and muzzleloaders. Not to mention the fun stuff in individual cases. And a loaded pistol in pretty much every room in the house!

So it's no big deal to me to want a gun that's unnecessary. They're fun to own. I can't wait til I can get my hands on an AR, just so I can show my friends. Not to mention decimate targets/paper plates...


New member
Yes, indeed; It's a disease and an addiction if you will. Always wondering where I'm going to get my next gun...

And, yes, it gets worse when you start needing a gun you don't want. LOL:D
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New member
LOL.... Seeking guidance from a bunch of folks that suffer from the same affliction? Seriously, Do you really think we would talk you out of buying a new toy? Of course not we will be your enablers.


New member
Reason?,,, REASON?,,,,,

We don't needs no steenking reasons!

With three handguns I have everything I need,,,
A carry gun, a target gun, and a plinker,,,
I have no "need" for the other 17.

I do have a small wish list that I want to fill for a personal collection,,,
And I buy other guns just because they might tickle my fancy.

But I almost never regret the purchase,,,
Because if I ever get tired of it,,,
I just peddle it to someone.

I'll take it to the range and shoot it a few times,,,
And if it doesn't spark some love,,,
It goes on the auction block.

I've only lost money one time,,,
Most of the time i am happy to break even,,,
Because having had the the joy of owning it makes it okay.

You are right about one thing,,,
That handgun is (IMHO) mucho-uuuuugly. ;)
But if it makes you happy, give that ugly girl a home!


Active member
I only have 4 guns that I need. One for carry, one handgun for home defense, an old 30-30 carbine that I keep stowed away in an old cabin, and one that I use to hunt with occasionally. I could probably use the one I carry for home defense too.

.....but I own well over 30 guns in various forms, shapes and sizes. I guess I only need one pair of pants, a shirt, one pair of shoes and socks to go with it....and a jacket for cold weather.

Baisically, I could manage to get along living out of a shopping cart.


New member
You are right about one thing,,,
That handgun is (IMHO) mucho-uuuuugly.
But if it makes you happy, give that ugly girl a home!

Well, it doesn't help that the picture lee n. field linked to is the baby-poop yellowish-green version of the gun. Even I agree that's ugly, and I have the fashion taste of a blind 1970s pimp!

Thankfully, the one at the local MCX is the black version.


New member
Anti-gun people ask that all the time. "Why would you need that"? Why do you need a Corvette? You don't. You buy it because you want it.


New member
Nah, never.

That's why the gun rack in the safe has little slips of paper that say

"This slot reserved for......"
-Star Arms MegaStar 10mm
-Vltor "Bren-Ten"
-S&W 686
-Ed Brown "Kobra"
-Sphinx 380

and so forth :D


New member
Anti-gun people ask that all the time. "Why would you need that"? Why do you need a Corvette? You don't. You buy it because you want it.

I'm not using "need" in the sense that "I have to have it", like food, shelter or clothing. I'm using it in the sense of "I have a need for a home-defense gun, and this particular model will fill that need", or "I'm going hunting and need a deer gun."

To use your car example, some of the guns that I've come very close to buying would be the equivalent of buying a top-fuel dragster when I live in downtown New York. Beautiful and desirable to be sure, but what they do well, I don't need, and what I need, they don't do well.


New member
More than half the guns I have there really is no "need" for, well actually all my guns except for the one I carry I really have no "need" for, just don't tell my wife.. they are all "investments" ... that is how I explain them to her. :)

I've got one 1911 , that I don't need but am having another one built
I've got one AR that I don't need , but am looking for the pieces to build up another in a different color.
I've got three "carry" guns , 2 in .40 and one in 9mm , really only need one
I've got one "summer" carry gun , that I really don't need
I've got one "wheel" gun because my collection needed one.. but I want another.

Well the list goes on.....
Should we start talking about ammo ? Gotta have at least 2k of each caliber:)


New member
Do you ever find yourself wanting a gun that doesn't really fit any your particular needs?

I don't hunt or compete, so realistically, anything I buy will either be a carry gun or a "range toy".

I've never met a pistol I didn't like! As a result I have accumulated several over the years. In getting older I've started questioning myself on the need for so many. As a result I am mainly concentrating on 1911s & S&W 3rd Gen pistols.

The thing is, I've always loved the Walther PPK and PPK/S.
I have always like the PPK however never owned one. My wife absolutely loves the PPK and wants a SS model so that will likely be my next purchase.