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New member
I don't think I've posted this photo here. Pictured are several rifle cartridges. All are 30 caliber (.308 bore). All are standard production calibers (no "wildcats"). All have been offered in rifles made and sold in the USA.

See if you can name them from left to right. The two on the ends should be fairly easy. It gets a bit sticky in the middle.


And, um... pretty cool photo, no?


New member
L to R

30 carbine , 303 Savage , 30 Remington , 308 Win. , 30-40 Krag , 30-06 , 300 H&H.....I guess.
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James K

Member In Memoriam
"Was the 7.62x54 manufactured in the USA?"

Well, Winchester alone made around 293,000 rifles in that caliber, and 175 million rounds of ammunition; NE Westinghouse made rifles in that caliber and Remington made ammunition.

So I would say yes.



New member
BAH has it.

James K- That was a military contract for a foreign nation, no? I said made and used in the USA. I don't think the 7.62x54 qualifies.

Clang- There are numerous 30 caliber rounds missing. These are the ones I own.


New member
James K- That was a military contract for a foreign nation, no? I said made and used in the USA. I don't think the 7.62x54 qualifies.
More than 35,000 of the rifles and 2 million rounds of the ammunition never made it out of the country. They were sold and used domestically, and are now highly desirable.
I think it qualifies. ;)