Want to build AR. Point me in right direction.

Want to build AR and it need not be fancy or top of the line. Looking for total price to be around $700 I don't want to do build totally from scratch.

1) Recommend good lower. Assembled with 6 position stock is great.
2) Recommend upper/kit. Give me web sites, etc. I haven't assembled one before. Looking for good deals.

Finally, the obvious question..... can I even get a lower right now, or must I wait until this fever pitch settles down a bit?

BTW: I already have a S&W M&P. So far, I like it a lot. If I can't get lower or parts to build one, I may just pick up a S&W Sport when things settle down. (pray that Congress doesn't do something stupid) (I know.....that's like asking water to run up hill)


New member
Want to build AR and it need not be fancy or top of the line. Looking for total price to be around $700 I don't want to do build totally from scratch.

1) Recommend good lower. Assembled with 6 position stock is great.
2) Recommend upper/kit. Give me web sites, etc. I haven't assembled one before. Looking for good deals.

Finally, the obvious question..... can I even get a lower right now, or must I wait until this fever pitch settles down a bit?

BTW: I already have a S&W M&P. So far, I like it a lot. If I can't get lower or parts to build one, I may just pick up a S&W Sport when things settle down. (pray that Congress doesn't do something stupid) (I know.....that's like asking water to run up hill)

To build a complete ar at that price you need a time machine... the reasonably priced ones are sold out and the rest are price gouged all to heck. Id sit on my money and wait.

sent from the rust monster


New member
I'd point you in the direction of your bank; unfortunately that ship sailed last month.

You may be able to build one again for that price later in the year.


New member
Bad time to start.... everywhere that you would get a decent price is out of stock. First priority would be to get a stripped lower since that is the part that has to be trf to you by a FFL.


New member
Want to build AR. Point me in right direction.

Get with thease two guys they are your best hope right now....:)


Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
If you still want to build an AR and are worried about a AWB, get a stripped lower and sit on it.

I'm not telling you to buy into the hysteria mind you, I'm simply saying that this is the only practical means of 100% building the AR you want as of now if you dont want to wait.

Tucker 1371

New member
Point you in the right direction... Ok, where's your couch?

:D cause your gonna be waiting a while to get all the needed parts for $700 with the Gaga for Guns Freakout going on right now.

Before 3 weeks ago I used to get a dang email from brownells every week that most always advertised a stripped lower receiver for about $100-150, now they don't even bother sending me ads for those cause I'm guessing they're clean out (haven't checked).