Want some info on my 303 british


New member
Hey gang seeing some of those posts on the other thread on the Enfields got me to wondering about mine.It is stamped No 4 Mk I on the left side and it has the peepsights.Unfortunately it has several layers of camoflage paint on it so some of the markings are hard to see.Barrel length is about 24 or 25 inches and it does not appear to be altered.Above the trigger it has a large B then 1942 and a 5 digit serial # starting with an E. Also on the left side of the reciever it has 303 BRITISH United kingdom IAG Alex Va.I assume that is some kind of import marks.There is no graduations of any kind infront of the rear sight.Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.Thanks and have a great day!


New member
If I'm readimng the markings correctly you have a Lee-Enfield #4 Mk1 in .303 british, made by B.S.A. in 1942.
It was imported into the US by "Interarms" in Alexandria Virginia.

Is the rear sight a 2 position flip type maybe? These weren't marked for distance but IIRC it was 200Yds for the lower position & 450 for the higher.
You can get a ladder type sight marked from 100~1,000 yds, with a flip down battle sight (ghost ring) with a 200 yd setting only. They should run about $20~25 & are fairly easy to swap out yourself with simple tools in about 10 minutes.
You should be able to find the sights at someone like "Springfield Sporters".


New member
458, what wogpotter said is about correct. The flip rear sight is actually 300/600 yard, 300 yard being the battle sight setting on all the #4mk1's. It will probably shoot around 10" high at 100 yards.

You could take some oderless mineral spirits and strip off the paint from the wood and metal. It would be some work, but the results might be worth it.


New member
Enfield 303

Thank you for your posts I really just got it for my military collection and was interested do to the other thread on 303's.I now have some ideas if I ever do want to do anything to it other than just use it as an occasional shooter.