Want? Need? Poster

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
This image, tacked up at runt's workplace, provided the inspiration. I think the cartoon is a bit more effective...maybe fine-tuning of the captions would help.


  • want-need_s.jpg
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New member
1. Switch to a handgun or a shotgun.

2. Give a source for the quote, or say something like "Politicians prefer rape victims to give into their attackers - instead of having the of giving their attackers something else."


New member

Two part:

Pic of a woman/couple, preferably older, inside, dark window in the background, with a phone as center of focus.

Same couple standing by a rural mailbox, daytime, farmhouse in the rear, off focus. One or both is holding a "farm" type weapon, such as a shotgun or lever.

Caption 1: Last time we had to call the sheriff, it took him 20 minutes to get here.

Caption 2: We don't worry as much now.
Oleg, you have outdone yourself. This is my favorite poster so far. DO NOT, change it to a handgun or a shotgun. People need to see the EBR (evil black rifle) as a viable means of self-defense. This image captures it perfectly without drawing too much attention to itself. It is perfect.


New member
How about a poster with:


What he wants: (pic of woman in house, hallway etc. with ski-maksed rapist approaches with knife etc)

What you need: (Same pic, woman has a 12 ga this time)

How about that?

I agree with keeping the EBR (The new Stoner copy?) in principle, but, I suggest shotguns, and handguns as well. Just for the fact these posters are best if they don't "Preach to the choir", but reach the undecided or even anti instead.

Even though I agree 100% it's not "Fair" or "True", and whatever gun you want or have is justified, the use of the EBR in the poster looks too "blood thirsty", like you're anticipating or wishing for an attack to happpen.
(thinking like an anti)


New member
I would be concerned with what message the 8 empty shell casing give. If a women needs to fire a rifle 8 times to stop an attacker then somethings wrong. To me it just sends the wrong message.

But, keep up the GREAT work Oleg.


New member
Switch to a handgun, which is mostly defensive. (Cooper observes that rifles are primarily for offense.) The rifle, in that posture, is visually too much for the indicated situation.

Use an exact quote for the "submit" line.

You're definintely onto something.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Looks like a Robinson M96 to me. Pretty cool. I think the image is great, but I'm not sure the phrasing is right. It makes me think of giving the thug money or something, as in "I only do this to feed my poor starving kids."

Greg L

New member
Does that EBR (eeeeevil black rifle) eject off to the left? ;)

Although I'm sure that anyone who is familiar enough with firearms to notice that is also familiar enough with the point behind it. :)


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The "explanation" is that the empties bounced off the wall on the left. That said, I plan on re-doing the photo and figuring out a better caption shortly.

I want to make EBRs common in images, including introducing them into backgrounds of images which do not relate to the RKBA site. I want M16/AKM silhouettes or out of focus images to be present in portrait backgrounds, baby pictures and so on. Try to make them a part of everyday life for the viewers.

Mark D

New member
Ummm... If someone breaks into my house, and then forces their way into my bedroom. My AR-15 IS a defensive weapon!!!

I'm tired of being "sensetive"! If some Liberal Bliss-Ninny gets offended, TOUGH! Keep the rifle Oleg.

Mad Man

New member
How about "Nobody needs an assault weapon," or "Politicians tell us that nobody needs an assault weapon", with a picture of a government agent with an assault weapon?

Mike H

New member
If you want real life.........

The cop would be talking to his supervisor over the dead body of the woman.

"I came round the corner and saw this woman pointing a gun at this guy, I ordered her to drop it and she turned towards me, so I had no choice but to shoot........"

Or you could do 2 cartons with exactly the same illustration. One would be headed:

"An attack in Texas" with the cop writing the woman a check for public services rendered, the second could be:
"An Attack in California" with the cop saying that he was arresting the woman for illegal carriage of a concelaed firearm.

Mike H

Mike H