Want a .410 load tested.


New member
I am trying to get the Box O Truth guy to test a .410 shell of 000 buckshot at 1135 fps for HD. Just out of interest, and to see if I am right.
My stance is that the .410 has PLENTY of power just less shot. (fps says it all) The 000 shell has 5 pellets in it. At HD distance the pellets will have not spread out much at all, so probably you would hit or miss with all pellets. Five 000 pellets seems like it would be enough.
Anyhow the response I got back expressed little interest is trying this out. He said the .410 would not be a good penetrator! ARRRRGGHHHAAA!!:mad: THAT IS MY POINT!! It should have the same penetration because of close fps to that of the 12 or 20 ga. (But weird things happen in ballistics so I would like to see the test.)
So if you are interested in this drop them a note.


New member
Why don't you simply duplicate his test procedures and do the test yourself. It doesn't seem like he thinks it is worth it to him.


New member
His test procedure definitely isn't very complicated and doesn't look like it would cost very much to replicate. I would attempt it myself, but I'm not a member of any range that will let me drag something like that out and make a mess.

I say you take a trip to Home Depot and try to do it yourself. You fellow TFL members will greatly appreciate it! :D


New member
Well in his tests the 20 ga. slug didn't penetrate but 3 water jugs, maybe that is why he said it wouldnt be a good penetrator, although it was just the poor slug design. A good slug would have done near as much as the 12.

I wonder what a .410 slug does.


New member
NO range to do that kind of test on here. Be more than happy to do that an all sorts of other tests if I could. That would be fun!


New member
Hey I have access to a farm where we can shoot basically whatever we want... what medium were you interested in? The water jugs? Wet phone books? I'd be more than happy to test... if you wanna see water jugs, can anyone tell me a cheap place to get plastic milk jugs (besides drinking a lot of milk)?

Don H

New member

Get the jugs with water already in them at the grocery store for a little over $1 each.