Walther's New PPS

Don P

New member
Do any of our members or lurkers own one,seen one. I am looking for another 9mm for CCW and this pistol looks like it might fit the bill.:cool:


New member
I have held one and it seems almost perfect. It's only a bit larger than a Kel-Tec PF9 but it feels some much more solid. The First Edition (1000 pistols) retail for about $662 and the blued will MSRP at about $622. My local gun shop has two in stock, sold them in a day for almosy $750!


New member
I got mine from WildAlaska and it is a very comfortable gun to carry. Its a first edition and it shoots surprisingly well for the shortness of the barrel. I do agree with Al there that it feels much more solid than a Kel Tec. I did a quick review on it here right after I got it and have honestly only gotten to shoot it a couple of times since then. I have probably about 350-400 rounds through it, a combo of ball, frangible, HP, HP+P, and cheap reloads. There was a short break in period as recommended by the maker and the guys at the range. During the break in time, I only had one failure to return to battery on the cheap reloads. A quick tap was all that was needed to put it all the way in the chamber and no hiccups before or since.

The different magazine sizes are a great idea and work quite well on this gun. The first edition finish is not quite as cool as it look in the pictures but is still neat.

There was a First edition in a local overpriced shop that was put on the shelf for under an hour before it sold for $900 +tax. :eek: Mine was significantly less than that!! :cool: :D Call Ken (Wildalaska) and see what he can do for you.


Don P

New member
PPS info

Thanks for the positive feedback. Talk about some price gouging going on. Price's for dealers is around $465 give or take so the $900 is WAY out of line. Thanks again for the info. :cool: