Walther PPS news?


New member
My gun shop is now advertising the Walther with two mags. From all that I've read online, folks always said the advantage of the Shield was that it sold with two mags to the Walther's one. Did the company finally get the news flash about the cost of their spare mags? Does anyone know if this is a temporary sales ploy or the real deal?



New member
I bought one a couple of months back and it came with a 7 rounder & an 8 rounder. I thought that they came standard with 2 mags. As a matter of fact, I had heard at one time they came with 3 mags.


New member
Everywhere I read about the PPS said the Walther sold with one mag, and the way my shop worded it, it sounds like the two mag deal is recent. It would be nice if guns sold with three mags for what most people pay for guns these days.....


New member
I bought mine in March with 2 mags. I have since added a third, the one that did not come with it but I can't remember which ones came with the pistol. 7 & 8 I think.

Uncle Malice

New member
Yeah, they used to ship with 1. I heard they started shipping with 2 some time ago. If they're coming with 2, I'd rather have a 6 and a 7, than a 7 and an 8.

Sgt Pepper

New member
When I bought mine new a couple of years ago, it came with two mags - one medium and one long or one short and one medium, don't remember which.

Lamar Jr

New member
Two mags

Two mags here as well. I bought my PPS over a year ago, and it came with both 7 round and 8 round mags. I added a 6 round mag (no pinkey extension) to make it even easier to conceal.


New member
As has been said, they've come with two for at least a couple years. I have one 6, two 7s, and like five 8s. I wish they made a 10.

wild cat mccane

New member
The PPS has been shipping with 2 mags for over a year now.

Went from 3, to 2, to 1, and now is 2.

The 6 rounder has always been the first to go and the 7 rounder has always been in the package.


New member
I bought mine about 4 1/2 years ago and it came with 2 mags. It's the 40 version and came with the 5 and 6 rounders.