Walther PP


New member
Free American women should be armed. Mrs. Khornet is a small lady (although she leaves a big hole behind when she's gone).

And to my embarassment she doen't have a pistol.

A friend has a Walther PP, German-built I beleive, in pertty good condition. When I ask how much he wants for it, he shrugs and says "Whatever it's worth to you, Doc."

So, any ideas what it should be worth? Comments on its appropriateness for a 5' 96lb gal?



New member
Nice gun - I have the Manhurin (spelling?) version - but a very heavy DA trigger pull that by design cannot be lightened to a large degree. Might be hard for her to shoot - heck, it's hard for me to shoot.

Anyway, you can find them at places like AIM & SOG for between $225 & $300.

You might want to look at a Makarov instead. It too has a somewhat heavy DA trigger pull, but I know they smooth out with use. The caliber (9x18 Makarov) is a more powerful round than the PP .32ACP, and the gun will cost about half as much.

But - if she isn't experienced with a handgun, I would forget about a semi auto completely & buy a good used revolver, preferrably in .357 Magnum. She could load it with .38 Special rounds for practice, and choose between those & .38 +P or .357 for defense. Also, an easy manual of arms to learn (pull the trigger, pull again to shoot again) when compared to a semi.

Good Luck!


New member
CDNN is selling "very good" PPs for $219...so, based on that I would offer him $200 if hes a close friend, or start at ~$150 if not ;)

You might want to check out the SIG P230 before you do that though. My girlfriend loves the one I got for her...its a great little gun. And women like the idea of getting something 'new', as opposed to getting it 'used'...Just makes 'em feel better. Plus I think its a better overall gun than the PPK. SOG has them cheap ($299) Look:




New member
Is the PP a .380 or a .32?

If it's a .380 you better give your friend more than $200. There are a lot of .32s in the country right now, which I suspect are police trade-ins.

The .380s bring quite a bit more money. Especially if the condition is excellent.