Walther Creed


New member
I'm seriously looking at the Walther Creed for a range gun. Anyone have any experience with it or information on it?


New member
It's mostly a PPX with some aesthetic changes as far as I know (which I think are good changes). If you look up reviews of the PPX you'll have a good idea about the Creed.

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New member
The Creed is an entry price Walther. It has a DAO trigger with short and fairly light pull rather than DA/SA or striker fired. It has a 3 part barrel and a couple of the parts are MIM same as the Walther PPX that is replaced. Not sure how that will last for a lot of shooting over time. Some have reported the barrel to come apart though Walther should repair that under warranty if it happens. Not sure what accuracy shooters are getting out of the Creed. There is a forum for it at the Walther Forum that may have more info.

IMO the Walther PPQ with the 5 inch barrel would be a better range gun but probably $250 more.


New member
I have the PPX which is the pre Creed. The trigger pull on mine is excellent , very clean with a short reset. The pull can't be over 4.5lbs if that much. Overall it has been a very good accurate pistol.


New member
Walther doesn't seem to make much effort in having clear identities for their various models, specifically cosmetics. It's a bit confusing. I'm sure it's a great piece, regardless.

All I know for certain is that my PPQ is a killer. :D


New member
Sure he does, he shows a picture of both oh them in post #5 and also review he did on XDTalk with pictures of both barrels next to each other. He has one of the first Walther Creed available. If Walther changed something recently with it that would be great. I should be able to check one out myself at LGS factory shoot next month. However at this point I will not buy any more Walthers unless they get their barrel pitting problem with new Walthers resolved.



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New member
^interesting. I hadn't seen that before. Any idea about what time this started being an issue for Walther?

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New member
First person on the thread to report about it was 05/16/2016. Walther had switched to polygon barrels shortly before that for PPQ and the PPQ45 always had polygon barrels. I am not sure about other Walther models at this point though. Not everyone is seeing the issue but it seems that more than a few are which kind of rules out it is an isolated issue IMO.

Walther's position is that the observed pitting/imperfections are not an issue for functionality and may not be but most don't like to see that inside their barrel and IMO does not build confidence in the QC of their products. Some have had their barrel replaced under warranty and at least one person more than once experiencing the same issue on the replacement barrel. Others Walther has not offered to replace the barrel.