Walt Disney and guns


New member
I was searching for something to watch on cable and I ran across the Disney Channel. Walt was on. He was holding a Colt SSA and talking about western heros. They went on to tell the story of Elfego Baca a Mexican American in New Mexico in the late 1800's.

The line I liked the best was when Elfego told his cousin that a man should be willing to defend his property. He even scolded the town's people for not having guns to defend themselves.

This show had a 1958 credit at the end. *** happened to Disney?

Scott Conklin

New member
Watched Davy Crocket with my son the other nite. *** indeed. PC and the "wimping down" of our youth and universal corporate desire to be as inoffensive as possible to the loudest demographic groups.


New member
After Walt died in 1966 or so, only his name survived. Too bad the company he founded didn't continue to follow the course he set it on....

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Don't forget SWAMP FOX... That was a Disney movie. Or as we know it today "The Patriot".
Then there was the Ghost of Redbeard. Okay that wasn't any kinda gun movie, but when the pirate had the cops gun and was impressed by the multiple shots... that was pretty funny.


New member
more modern disney ain't all bad...

my favorite movie of all time is Disney... it's "The Three Musketeers" with Tim Curry, Rebecca Demornay, Charlie sheen, Chris O'Donnell, Oliver Platt and whassisname...

Porthos (Oliver Platt), Cardinal Richilieu (Tim Curry) and the rifle marksman under the cardinals control ALL use firearms...

and there's ALOT of bloodshed and death in that movie... even a bit of gore...


New member
Then there was the Ghost of Redbeard.
Back when I was a youngster, I remember seeing a Disney movie called "Blackbeard's Ghost" . . . don't remember too many details other than at that age, I though it was funny as heck . . . possibly the same movie?


New member
I did an internship with Disney down in Florida a few years ago. All in all it was one of the best experiences of my life. I got to work in the parks while I did my school stuff.
I was talking with one of the cast members who works on the Jungle cruse in the magic kingdom, when he told me something that just made me shake my head. Often we would have Hollywood types come to the parks. They would get escorted around the parks by guest service managers, so the wouldn’t have to wait in the lines to get on an attraction. So one day Jim is working on the cruse, when Bett Middler and her “people” get in his boat. Jim said that he just went about doing his normal routine, cracking the stupid jokes and puns that the cruse is famous for. Well they get to the part where the hippo attacks, the intrepid guide pull out his S&W model 10 (loaded with Blanks of course) and snap off two quick shots. The hippo, as it does every time they go around the loop, sinks and disappears as it gasps out some bubbles. So Jim turns around to say “it’s ok folk I got him” when Ms. Middler jumps up and say some thing to the effect of “How dare you use a GUN like that in front of children, Blah Blah Blah”. Jim said that she kept on having a pissy fit until she got to the end of the ride. Once she got to the dock she yells “who’s in charge here?” The guest service types lead her off to who ever is in charge.
Well the next day there is a big meeting and script changes are given to the river guides. If you ever go on the Jungle cruse, notice that they shoot the gun into the air now. This wasn’t all ways the case.



New member
Another good movie I used to see on Disney when I was a kid, was: "The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh". Great story of the little guys who were getting taxed and oppressed by the English Oligarchy, fighting back. Sort of a Robin Hood type movie. Patrick McGoohan played the part of the Scarecrow. Used guns too. He was a country church Vicar in England around the mid 1700's IIRC.

I always wanted to read the book the movie was based on: "Christoper Sinn", but I have never been able to find it.


New member
Yeah!! I had forgotten about the Scarecrow. Sort of like the Scarlet Pimpernell. It is hard to believe that Disney used to make great kids adventure movies. Another example is cartoons. The old "Johnny Quest" series showed Johnny & Hadjii both shooting rifles & saying their prayers before bed. Shows how 35 years of s#$t spewed from the media can ruin things, not that I support any particular religion, but just that a cartoon used to admit that religion is a big part of people's everyday lives. :mad:


New member
Did you guys hear Disney is doing "The Alamo?"
Well, for the last few months they've been building sets on a ranch not far from where our IDPA matches are held . . . ;) though there HAS been some talk about moving the production to Canada. :eek: :barf:


New member
Disney's version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

Nuclear powered sub ramming ships, gets into a fight with a giant squid, nukes island at the end.

How un-PC!!


New member
What happened to Disney?

Yep as stated, PC, politics and money. Like so many things nowadays.

Interesting though, those of us whom grew up with the old Disney--values, morals, lessons turned out allright. Its the ones "protected" from The old Disney, Roy Rogers, and the like that are having problems.


Long Path

New member
The things you see and notice when you have a three-year-old...

Gepetto has a flintlock pistol that he shakily wields while checking out a bump in his shop in the middle of the night after the Blue Fairie has done her thing in Pinnochio.

In Beauty And The Beast, Gaston makes a quick off-hand shot with a musket while in the middle of a provencial French village, knocking a goose out of high flight. I suppose we're to feel great hatred for Gaston (who does, in fact, turn out to be a rather hilarious boor. Dig the great musical number at his lodge), but I can't help but think,"WOW! Great shot! Wish I could hunt in the middle of town...." In the end, however, he does his big game hunting with a bow, and hunting knife. Hey! A sportsman!