Walsh show propoganda - again

aikidoka - mks

New member
Schumer on the show and Walsh and the sheeple cheering for ballistic fingerprinting. Walsh claims only to be for reasonable gun control and not violating gun owner's right. Schumer is claiming that he protects legitimate gun owners rights LMAO.

Imagine - no expert to counter the propoganda! Walsh is a useful idiot or worse!



New member
He's for "Sensible gun laws". That's what Gray Davis, the commie leader of the PRK, says every time he signs a bill to further restrict your rights. I have come to the sad conclusion that Walsh is an idiot, albeit a rich one. Doesn't seem right to make a career based on the kidnapping and murder or your child.


New member
Look at it this way: if Walsh promoted firearms rights, there would be fewer grisly crimes for his TV show to get material from. He'd be cutting into his own product supply.

It would be like Ford Motors supporting large-scale mass transit legislation.