Walmart Sales in Indiana


New member
Hello. Several people on this forum have mentioned that Walmart has excellent prices on the Savage rifle/scope combos. I stopped in at the one in Plainfield, IN and was told that they did not stock Savage products at that location and that they could not do any special orders. Actually, their centerfire rifle selection was pitiful. One Marlin 336 and one Remington ADL. I know Indiana is a no rifle hunting state but they've got to carry something somewhere around here.

I am wondering, do any members know of any Walmart locations around central Indiana that stocks Savage products and/or are willing or capable of doing special orders.

Thanks for all your help guys. (And gals.) :D


Member In Memoriam
Some years ago I was in the market for a Rem 700 in 7MM Rem Mag. The Wal Mart store in Franklin, La. used to have one for $299.95. when I went to get it, it had been sold. I asked the clerk if they could order one for me and she told me that "the distrubution center sends what ever guns (and other hunting supplies) that they think the local store needs, the local store has no input in the matter and cannot order".

I went to the local gun shop and they had the EXACT same rifle for $339.95 BUT I got a 10% discount for paying cash instead of a credit card or check. For less than $10 difference I got MUCH better service at the gun shop.


New member
I've found the Plainfield Walmart to be somewhat lacking in more than one way. I'm not sure if other Walmarts in Indy stock Savage products (haven't been looking for any personally). Almost directly across the street from the Plainfield Walmart is Plainfield Shooting Supplies. Owner Bob Cheek's policy is to charge 10% over his cost on all new firearms. Good prices and service. Hard to beat.


New member

Yeah, the Walmart in Lafayette has Savage rifles, I believe the one in West Lafayette does too. I can't say I have ever been to a Walmart anywere in Indiana that hasn't had a savage or two on hand. That is suprising.


New member
I've seen Savage firearms at the West Lafayette Wallyworld. Have not been there for a couple of months (had to pick up an igloo cooler--the exciting life I lead).


New member
How About Galyans?

Galyans would seem to be another alternative especially in Plainfield.
I know theyre somewhat pricey,but it cant be that over the top.


New member
I personally do not like the Walmart in Plainfield and avoid it at all costs. The one in Brownsburg is much better, they have a larger selection and I know they can do special orders (looked at ordering a Ruger 77/22 from them). I would either take Twix's advice and go to Plainfield Shooting Supplies, or drive out to Brownsburg and check them out. Hope this helps.


New member
Well, I don't buy guns from Galyans as I have heard them blatantly lie to unknowing customers. I've bought many guns from Bob Cheek and if end up actually ordering something, it will definately be through him. Just trying to see what the price at Walmart would be.

That guy (only one I've ever seen) that works at the Walmart in Plainfield must have dirt on someone or he would have been out of there years ago. The wife stops in there regularly and maybe three or four times a year I'll go in too. One time, I literally had cash in hand to buy a Remington 870. Couldn't get anyone to wait on me. Another guy asked to look at a knife and after helping that customer, the employee looked right at me and walked away. Another customer actually complained! Of coruse, I went off. Yelled at him, talked to the manager, yelled at the manager to no avail. This was several years ago. The other day, I'm back there wanting to ask about the Savage combos. EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED! Another guy wanting a knife. Helps him and walks away. This time, I complained to the store manager (who wasn't there last time we went through this) and he said that he was a respected member of the sales force. Ridiculous. Told the manager I was going to complain to the regional office, corporate office and keeping going... Of course, I haven't yet.

So I guess let me know about the store(s) in Lafayette.



New member
cratz2- I was in the computer lab working on some homework for about 4 hours so I didn't get to make it tonight. I may go later in the week so I'll scout it out for ya.

A Wal-Mart story of just last week: I went into the big Supercenter in Lafayette and I was going to purchase a DVD and some .22LR ammo. When I was being rung up, the cashier asked if I was 21. I told her "No, I'm 20 but you don't have to be 21 to buy non-handgun ammo at Wal-Mart...and this is non-handgun ammo." She said, "My computer tells me that you must be 21 so you have to be 21. I'm not going to sell it to you." Here I was, strapped with a full size 1911 and 25 rounds (one can carry in IN at the age of 18) and I can't buy lousy .22LR ammo. She told me that she could call some office to make sure. I told her "Don't bother." So since it was 9/11 she had little American flags to hand out, she gave me one and said "Have a nice day." Obviously she didn't get the irony. So as soon as I got home I called the store and asked to speak to the store manager. He wasn't available but called me back promptly. Turns out, he was a hunter/shooter and was quite upset that his employee didn't sell me the ammunition. He told me, "Look at your receipt and see what register it is and I'll make sure that the sales associate gets re-trained." He was quite responsive and helpful. He said if I have any more problems at Wal-Mart in the future to contact him directly and that he was very sorry for the inconvience. So it turned out alright. Don't be quiet, if there's bad service in any place of business, speak your peace.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Regardless of the customer-friendly policies of WalMart as a chain operation, there will always be some store, somewhere, where a doofus is in charge--or a doofus has somehow been kept on as part of the sales staff.

Me getting it my way at WalMarts in general has been way up in the high 90th percentile. That's why WalMart is so profitable, of course...



New member
Here in Chattanooga, the local Sports Authority is MUCH cheaper on rifles than Wally World. The new Remington 710 synthetic stock bolt action was $359 at WalMart, but $329 to $309 at Sports Authority. Ditto on the Savage combos. Ammo, however, is another story.


New member
Seems to be a lot of people from P-field here!

If you wanted to complain to Galyan's main office all you needed to do was go across the street to the old Wally World store. As for Galyan's being pricey, I've found white box Winchesters in most calibers is cheaper at Galyan's than Wal-Mart (except 9mm in the 100 rnd box). Saying that, I buy ammo at Galyan's, not guns. Their guns are higher than other places around. As for their employees, I take what most clerks say with a grain of salt - last week a Galyan's employee told me that a makarov was $50 gun, regardless of condition. And the conversation started from me asking if they had any 9x18s, not me asking about a trade.

you might try going to Bradis - it's in Camby just north of Mooresville on SR 67. If they don't have what you are looking for, they can probably order it.

C. Hubbard

New member
I'm not from Planfield but make a special trip at least three times a year to hit the Coachman Inn. I ended up at Wal-Mart and went to check out their hunting and firearms stuff. It was pretty weak.

Ben Swenson

New member
For what it's worth, I looked at doing a special order through Plainfield Wal-Mart and was told they couldn't do it as well. I thought this was odd because a friend who works in another wally world has told me that they do special orders when asked. He did a little digging and apparently due to some indiscretion on the part of an assistant manager, the Plainfield W-mart is no longer allowed to handle customer orders.
If you end up needing a gun shipped to you, try to get in touch with Lee Horner - a home FFL living in Mooresville. Bob will charge you the 10% even on private transfers he does (nothing wrong with that, but I don't like paying the markup when I'm not getting a new gun at dealer pricing ...). Mr. Horner, on the other hand, charges a $10 flat rate. Best price I've found around here.

While we've got the locals in one place, does anyone know of a good local shooting range? Normally I drive out to Putnam county or over to Kcustom45's house to shoot, but there are times when neither is possible.


New member
The West Lafayette Walmart is passable. Last night I waited around 10 minutes for service at the counter to get 500 rounds of the Win. 9mm. I have bought one long gun there, and looked at others, but the Marlins and Savages seemed to cheap. One time I asked about special orders, and the clerk sounded pretty jaded about the whole process: you have to go back to Layway and pay 50%, and after it arrives you do a Form 4473, but you are warned that they have no control over the results of the check (implying you could lose your 50%). What a major-league hassle. I don't appreciate the wait for service or their squirrely attitude.

The Lafayette superstore had a vast selection of ammo out in the open next to the gun counter, but that varies with the season.


New member
sorry cordex, I have no idea about ranges. :( I always either go out behind my house, or out behind my parents.
A friend of mine told me he paid $40 for half hour for 2 people somewhere near P-field, and he supplied his own ammo. :eek:
If I had to pay that kinda money, I would have to give up target practice.