Walmart goes Homosexual. Yes there is gun content!!

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New member
Have many of you wondered why WallMart, the worlds largest retailer, suddenly started removing gun and ammunition sales from their stores?? I know I have. I mean, it just did not make any sense, given Wallyworld's customer base!!
I think I finally have the answer!!

Wal-Mart asks for, and receives, permission to join homosexual marriage group

Most, if not all homosexual groups, with the exception of the Pink Pistols, are anti gun. I'm thinking this was part of the deal to join this organization!!! :barf:

The Sportsman's Warehouse across the street from my local Wallyworld is looking better and better every day!! :cool:


New member
I'm thinking that the beautiful people never liked me so they got together and came up with catchy advertising so I'd eat fast food and drink booze and get fat and disgusting.

Retailers can do what they want. That includes affiliating themselves with sides on issues that you feel strongly for/against.

How is this really gun related? Everyone knows that Walmart keeps dropping guns/ammo off their shelves. I don't think its a conspiracy by the gays though.



Sadly. it's prolly just a marketing decision to go for a bigger customer base. I bet there's more homosexuals than gunowners.:(

It's all about the money.


New member
Sort of, maybe. I think it's more likely part of WalMart's attempts to woo "upscale and urban" consumers. Probably someone at the advertising agency pointed out that Susie Soccermom doesn't like shopping places that sell those icky old guns.



[QUOTE"upscale and urban" consumers. ][/QUOTE]

That's code talk for "more money":D JK

the upscale/urban crowd buys more junk and complains less than the gunowner crowd who come back wanting to send a gun back or whatever as they've become conditioned to demand higher quality & service in their purchases. (aggravated by THR & TFL, no less);) :D

Bud Helms

Senior Member
NOT firearms related. This is about sexual orientation. Wrong forum. 'Matter of fact ... wrong board.

You might try the L&P forum but I wouldn't get my hopes up. In the meantime, I'm not going to imply this topic is just fine by just sending it to another forum on TFL.

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