Walmart ammo prices went up


New member
It hasn't gone up in my neck of the woods yet. I found 2 value packs of Federal .45 yesterday that went for $29.95. Today I found some PPU .45 for $19.95. The guy at the counter told me they are getting ammo almost every day. They just aren't getting much and they have no idea what is coming.

9mm is still hard to come by, but I have plenty at the moment.


New member
I was in Walmart in Pikeville, KY this weekend and when I commented to the employee at the sporting goods counter that they should order some more ammo, he responded, "We can't." I saw elsewhere on the net that Walmart is forbidding its stores to re-order ammuntion. I'm left wondering if they are going the way of K-Mart and turning to the anti-gun side. If so, then I will be going out of my way to never shop there again, for anything.


New member
I would think the "we can't" means Walmart (the whole company) receives a finite amount of ammo and is nto going to allow one particular store to order more right now so they are the "hero" Walmart while the other locations go without.


New member
If you folks in Alabama are finding .45acp Win. white box value packs for $29 at your WalMarts. I say your very lucky, it's $42 here at my WalMart and in short supply.:(


New member

I got 1000 rounds of Speer lawman 45 ACP for $399 delivered recently from Ammoman and 1000 rounds of PMC 44 special for $499 in the same order-I realize 44 Special isn't a hot item but I recently got a Colt New Frontier in that caliber and that ammo is hard to find in quantity locally-and more expensive when you do-I'm waiting on 1000 rounds of 9mm from the same dealer(Speer Lawman) for $299.I figure buy now because I see shortages ahead even worse than they are today.


New member
When I go to the range to shoot my handguns, I shoot maybe 75 to 100 rounds many time's just shoot one handgun, this is about once a Month. I know others shoot a lot more but this is what I do. So if I had 1000 rounds and I don't buy in that size. I would have enough to shoot six to seven Months to a year.


New member
gun guy at walmart was stocking .223
it was from the last case they had in state, brought over by the regional manager.

guy walks over to the counter asks him what it is, tellss him, "don't bother getting it out of the box, I'll take it all"


New member
Just heard on the news that Walmart is suspending ammo orders. They will not be reordering any ammo until legislation is passed.


Link for that please?

At mine they have their orders placed - everything is on backorder due to folks like the one mentioned above - going in and grabbing it all


New member
This is no surprise to me. I have been expecting some type of stop of the supply chain. Not sure WalMart is not just trying to look political correct to the Obama people. Or just protecting their stockholders if they can't sell the Ammo they order.:rolleyes:


New member
One good thing about Wal Mart stopping selling ammo is that is will make the supply available to LGS and other outlets go up tremendously and if it become easily available at those locations prices should drop. So instead of the local sellers having to tell you "sorry our supplier doesn't have any more to send", we have 1,00 cases available, want some.

Time will tell.


New member
On Wally suspending...I believe it would be what others have suggested as "playing it safe". If there IS some kind of legislation (there won't be) Wally wants to protect their investments, their stockholders etc, as they should.

Surely the reason Wally sent a rep to meet with Joe was to get a sense of what might happen. Not to pronounce their support for closing one of their big sources of income, sale of guns and ammo.

Happy to see that some of the fever/scare is dying down. Guns are more available. Legislators and even big O seem convinced that less knee jerk reactions than violating 2A rights are more logical.

My apologies if I got a little political. I'm just happy to see people relaxing on the fear factor a bit.

Let's go shoot!

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq


New member
I think there are a lot more honest law abiding people who are shooters then the nuts we keep reading about. For them anti firearm birds to think banning things, and passing tougher background checks will rally solve anything I say dream on. I have yet to see them wanting a ban on some types of cars and trucks, because drunk drivers are killing people driving them.:rolleyes:


New member
One good thing about Wal Mart stopping selling ammo is that is will make the supply available to LGS and other outlets

I was just at a local gun shop tonight and they said that they are having issues with distributors taking orders. Everything from guns to ammo. He said they have stock but, are not shipping until the legislation is figured out.

Take that for what it is worth? He was a bit shocked to hear Walmart was not selling ammo but, he also said that may be the reason they are not getting any in either?