Walker Game Ears while shooting?


New member
This may be streeching the topic a little for this forum but I will give it a try. Is anyone using Walker Game Ears while hunting? If so, are they worth the money and what happens when you fire a round? Does it mute the blast? Would it be good for the hearing impared to wear at the range so they could hear what's going on? I have no one to ask so please answer if you have any range or hunting experience with these expensive ear pieces!

Thanks for any replies........... :confused:

makarov man

New member
I don't know if I might be able to help you out, but I'll tell you what I can about being hearing impared! I'm 23 years old and I have severe hearing loss in both ears ever since birth. Almost 90%. I have been wearing hearing aids for almost 20years now! One of those game ears things might help someone out who dosen't have the hearing loss that I have, but it wouldn't do me any good! When I shut my hearing aids off I can't hear nothing. The only thing I can hear is my brothers FAL going off, but that could be the muzzle blast! It's hard to explain if I can hear the gunshot or if it's the concussion! When I have my aids out of my ears I can hear the gunshots and let me tell you they hurt like hell! Even a 22. Sorry for the language, but that is how I can describe it! I can't hear a person talking 2 feet away from me unless there yelling at the top of there lungs!
I know this ain't the answer you're looking for, but you might be able to find an Audiologist in your area and ask them the same questions. They sort of know what hearing impared people go through. The years of schooling and etc. They might be able to give you some answers! It's worth a look into.

makarov man


New member
I have used a pair of Pro-Ears Digital muffs for many years. If you have a little hearing loss, I'd think that they would be a great idea. When I shoot indoors, I usually put foam plugs inside my Pro-Ears and then turn the volume all the way up on the muffs. This gets the normal sounds almost back up to the level of nothing but when the ProEars cut off the shots, then I have the full protection of the plugs and the muffs ... it makes for VERY comfortable shooting even when standing next to someone shooting full house magnums. I have a game-ear, but I've never brought it to the range ... so I can't tell you about that one.

Good luck ...
