WAL-MART urged to end gun sales at New York State Store


New member
Suffern, New York in the Town of Ramapo, Rockland County.

A disturbed young lad sent a threatening e-mail of some sort at school. The police responded to the home of the young man. The young mans' older brother, who is 18, is the owner of a mini-14. The police convinced the mother and older brother of the young man, to turn the firearm over to the police for safekeeping. The young e-mailer in question was suspended for 5 days and is now back in school.

The town and the local schoolboard are now demanding that Wal-Mart not sell firearms of any type to 18 year olds.
The local politicos are trying to fashion a law to stop Wal-Mart from selling guns in this locality. Never mind that Wal-Mart has complied with all state laws and does not sell handguns.

Wal-Mart has refused to cave!

Now here is a weird footnote. The town supervisor is Christopher St.Lawrence. He is the brother of the St.Lawrence who produces 'American Shooter' on TNN.

So here we have it folks! 18 entitles you to: vote, die for your country, be a property owning adult, but not the owner of a sporting firearm for hunting!

The loacl leftie paper, 'The Rockland Journal News', has asked Wal-Mart to stop selling M-14 rifles to 18 year olds.
This is not a typo they said M-14 not Mini-14.

Ladies and gentlemen, lefties again want you to give up your rights! I urge all those who read this, especially Rockland residents to support Wal-Mart and tell the politicians where they can go!


I have written to Wal Mart in the past when they were getting pressure from anti groups. They assured me that they intend to remain a favorite for sportsmen and that they won't cave to the political garbage. (maybe they didn't word it the same way) They did convince me though.