Wal - Mart, "Is that for a handgun?"

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New member
Why is it that wal mart employees are required to ask if the ammo is for a handgun, but not required to know the difference?

I recenlty bought some 22lr's there and the clerk asked me, "Is that for a handgun?"

"Well, it might go in my handgun or rifle,why?"

"I need to see id if it's for a handgun, but I don't know the difference."


no, it's for a pump action a-bolt

"is that a handgun?"

no, it's a wheelgun...... :confused:

I don't mind showing my id, but it just seems so......dumb.

If I buy a baseball bat are they going to ask,"Is this for little league or are you going to mug someone?"
Same applies to machetes, rolling pins, kitchen knives, skillets, vase's, etc..... :rolleyes:


New member
The clerk does not know the differance and wally world has a limit on purchases of hand gun ammo at most of its stores now to help more customers get ammo. So they ask is this for a hand gun becasue they do not know the differance.


New member

They aren't for any gun, I just like to look at them:D

Or, when you are buying 44 mags, tell them you use them for ear plugs :eek:..... 45's are a bit big and hurt your ears, 38's are too small and fall inside.... got 3 in there somewhere already :D


New member
I have not, and will never buy ammo from Wal-mart; What I don't load myself I "custom" order from a gent who not only is the best hand loader I've ever known, but he also has his own forge....you supply the metal,(such as tungsten) and for a reasonable price he will cast the bullets and for a few bucks more load them too. You whould'nt believe what a 180gr tungsten cored slug does to 1/4" stainless steel plate at 50 paces....


New member
There could be liabilities if you ever have to use handloads in a sd situation.

The id is not for quantity of ammo when I'm obviously only buying one box,lol. They wouldn't ask to see your id if it was for quantity.

The id is because you have to be of legal age to purchase handgun ammo, but they don't know the difference, so what good does it do to ask? :rolleyes:


New member
The register (computer) brings up the question and the clerk has to answer it. The question is due to the age limit on buying handgun ammo which is 21 instead of 18. The clerk doesn't have to know anything about it other than if you say it is handgun ammo then they have to confirm that you are 21.

A while back I bought a knife from Wal-Mart and the fellow looked at me and said "You are at least 16 aren't you?" Both of us started laughing, I am 58. :)

It is like my next door neighbor who placed some beer on the counter at the grocery store. The clerk looked at her and said "I need to see some ID". My neighbor said "Honey you just made my day, today is my 40th birthday". She did look young and if there is any question the clerk has to verify.


The register (computer) brings up the question and the clerk has to answer it. The question is due to the age limit on buying handgun ammo which is 21 instead of 18. The clerk doesn't have to know anything about it other than if you say it is handgun ammo then they have to confirm that you are 21.


Some cashiers may assume that handgun ammo and rifle ammo are one and the same. Either way you must be over either 18 or 21 years of age depending on the item. The cash register will not let them scan another item until they answear the question. It will also do it for other items as well. Alcohol, spray paint, and glue are just a few for examples.


New member
I wonder if you ask for some 9x19 lugar and they ask if it is for a HG & you say no (you BS) if the register knows the difference?

In that case, just always say no, not for handgun?

If you ask for a pistol caliber for a rifle (44mag, 44-40, 38 etc) just say its for a rifle?

or is BSing a crime?:eek:


New member
It's not a crime to lie to the cashier. This is not a law, this is a stupid Walmart policy. It is not illegal for an 18 year old to buy pistol ammo.


Actually the biggest reason for the cash register alerting the cashier is to notify them that this is a restricted item and it requires them to ask the customer for ID.


New member
For Dingoboyx

Remember that 9mm also goes in carbines, such as the Marlin Camp Carbine. For that matter, .357 or .38 can be used in Rossi saddle rifles. .44 Mag can be used in a couple of Rugers, or a Marlin 1894, or a Henry...

Of course, .308 might go into a T/C pistol.

So, the question isn't as stupid as it would seem, at face value.

OTOH, there's no guarantee the cashier will get a truthful answer. The cashier is still required to ask.


New member
I'm not sure if the 18 vs 21 limit is only Wal-Mart...

... for some reason, it seems to me it was the law in FL in the mid to late 80's. A friend of mine was kicked out of Shoot Straight's range in Apopka for trying to buy revolver ammo to use at the range. He was 19 or 20.

You could own a handgun at 18 at the time, but couldn't buy one from a dealer until 21. He and I had both acquired ours through the classified ads. It seems to me that we could own, but not buy, handgun ammo.


New member
You spent more time typing this thread than you did answering the question. Is getting riled up on something so meaningless worth it? The important point was, your local Wal-Mart had ammo at all and they haven't jacked up the price.

They ask because of the age difference requirement, 18 or 21, that's all...nothing more. Give the cashier a break and just answer the question...it will save a lot of time.


It is illegal for an FFL to sell handgun ammo to an 18-yr-old. Some of you "experts" ought to do a little research before blathering! :eek:

There are no "liabilities" for using reloads in a s.d. or any other situation. That's b.s. inferred from the magical thinking of Masaad Ayoob.:D


New member
I'm 63.
I had a WW counter commando demand my ID so he could confirm my birthdate. Handed him my CCW and was told "that's not valid".

He clained all this came from the BATF.

You have to love these guys.



New member
I am not sure...

... but I think they have to enter DOB in their computer. Not sure if it's a simple check in the block, or an actual date entry.


New member
Out of curiousity...

... why hand the WM cashier your CCW? I only pull mine out when purchasing a firearm, to expedite sales. I prefer not to announce to all and sundry that I might be carrying.

I'm assuming you still drive, and therefore would have been required to have a DL with you.


New member
I have never hid the fact I have a ccw or carry.
Yes I drive and have a D/L.
both are State issued ID's with photo's.

You should have seen the face on the guy next to me when the counter clown said a CCW wasn't good as ID. I almost fell down laughing. He said he used his to board airlines.

what really ticked me off was blaming BATF. They get enough grief for stuff they really do.

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