Wal Mart has Winchester value pack .223...

The hardball stuff, not the varmint rounds with the HP bullets.

I picked up 2 boxes at the Wallyworld in Manassas, Virginia, this evening.

It's the first I've seen it in Walmart in about 7 months.


New member
Thanks for the heads-up! I'm going to WalMart tomorrow anyway, I think I know what else I'm getting now....

Incidentally, the two boxes of super cheapo Remington 55 grain ammo ($3.27 for 20 rounds) I bought at WalMart were the two worst, most inconsistant boxes of ammo I've ever had. The rifle loved every other ammo I put through it, especially Winchester...but that Remmy ammo was just piss-poor quality.
I've been buying the 40 rds. for 7.00 white box stuff for range/plinking. No problems with it so far. The Wal- Marts in my area stopped selling pistol ammo after Katrina hit so I cant get the .45 WWB; it came 100rds. for 20.00. No problems with it either. Its not ammo I carry for defense, but to put holes in paper and eliminate sliver enemies(Bud Light cans):D , it'll do.
"Incidentally, the two boxes of super cheapo Remington 55 grain ammo ($3.27 for 20 rounds) I bought at WalMart were the two worst, most inconsistant boxes of ammo I've ever had."

I put about 200 rounds of the Remington cheapo ammo through my A2 and didn't have a single problem with it.

"everything at walmart is piss poor quality..."

Wow. I didn't know that Winchester whitebox ammunition, the same ammo that I can buy in dozens of other places besides WalMart, suffered an immediate quality decline simply for having been carted into a WalMart store...


New member
Yeah, I think I just got a particularly inconsistant batch of the 55grain Remington... I say inconsistant because it grouped (poorly) in three or four different places with the same point of aim. And it wasn't consecutive rounds, either... that is, one round fly left, next right, next dead on, then right, then left again, then two dead on, then left, etc. etc. etc.

None of the other ammo I tried suffered this problem. Both boxes of the Remington exhibited it.

The best I've tried has been the 50-grain white box Winchester. Very very good groupings at 100 yards with that, no errant rounds, very very consistant.

I've had so-so results with Remington-brand .270 Winchester in the past also, but nothing as bad as the .223 I just went through.


New member
Mike Irwin, It's true anything that is sold by WallyWorld is of low quality! All companies that sell product through them have two production lines a good one (Sold everywhere else) and a WallyWorld one!

For example I have two Mag Light Flashlights one in the car and one at work. The one I use at work I got at W-M and the other somewhere else, well the one I use at work every day six days a week needs batteries every other week,and the one I got somewhere else that stays in the car goes about a year between battery changes!! What's up with that!! I tell you the one I got at Wally World just keeps killing batteries, Low quality junk!;)

That's my story and I'm sticking with it!


New member
That's odd, because now that you mention it, I've had better luck than most with Wally World products. Specifically, the MagLite I bought at WalMart has gone through hours and hours of fishing trips under highly adverse conditions, while the one I bought at the local family-owned hardware store (partly out of principle) has done quite poorly. Same goes with more or less everything except WalMart's clothing, which at very first handling is quite clearly cheap junk.

I believe brand name stuff is brand name stuff, and all comes - ultimately - from the same warehouses in Whatever State USA. Simply because it would be too costly to run two lines of merchandise, one with higher quality ingrediants than the other. It just wouldn't make sense, financially. WalMart sells for less for other reasons... they pay peanut salaries, they buy in truly massive bulks, they slice cost everywhere, etc.

If you get a bum item, I think it's more luck of the draw than anything else.
"Mike Irwin, It's true anything that is sold by WallyWorld is of low quality! All companies that sell product through them have two production lines a good one (Sold everywhere else) and a WallyWorld one!"


The production line that produces Winchester white box .223, 9mm, or .45 ACP is the EXACT SAME LINE that produces Winchester white box .223, 9mm, or .45 ACP for any other store that sells it. The only difference is the packaging.

Remington produces Model 870s on the exact same production line that they use to turn out 870s for Gander Mountain, Cabelas, RWS, or Pudthumper's General Store and Gun Shop.

But, since you've raised the issue, please provide the factual source for your claim that "all companies that sell through them have two production lines..."


New member
Mike I was just being sarcastic! I hope you saw the lil winkie eye-smiley-face at the end there!

Of course I go thru more batteries on my work light, I use it 2-3 hours a day. Where the other I only use two three times a year. Some people would'nt see it that way tho.

Of course it's absurd, I could'nt agree more. Unfortunately thats the attitude some people have on the subject.

Case in point, a work buddy just went out and bought a Ruger 10/22 for $50 more than he would of paid at W-M. However, according to him the W-M 10/22 was inferior to the one from the REAL gun shop!!

Also about 80% of the ammo I shoot as of late is purchased at W-M, can't help it their only 3 blocks away!

Sorry, Samuel... :eek:

I'm on a couple of boards where bashing of WalMart is a fine art. No accusation is too outlandish to be posted as fact... I've seen similar things said before.

OK, how about I call BS on this, then... "Because no matter how you try to rationalize it, 9mm is still for women and pansies." :)

mtn. man

New member
I always stock up at the shows' i will not buy from Wally world
This has nothing to do with quality i usually plink with Sellier&Bellot and love their ammo.
But the Wally world in our area makes it a point to ask if the ammo will be fired in a pistol or rifle.
When this happens the first thing that comes to my mind is [ none of your ?%#$| business].
The clerk usually ask with a wink' in other words go ahead and lie' we dont care. And the boss can still take your money with one hand,
While the other is shakeing with some antigun politician.