Wal-Mart Ammo Gone Outta Sight


New member
I was thinking about purchasing a 44 mag. Handi rifle and had paid 18.95 for a box of 50 in remington 180 grain soft points. was gonna buy some more and the price of the ammo has gone to 28.00 a box!!!!!! is this highway robbery or what. I have just paid 21.00 for a box of winchester 64 grain 223 ammo, and i was paying 14.95 a box. Do you all think once the war is said and done and over and everyone gets back home that the ammo prices will take a dip and get back to where ya can buy it at a fair price??:(


New member

As to .223 caliber, the military is going through this like there is no tomorrow.

Otherwise, take a look at component prices, for instance Winchester Standard Small and Large Pistol primers, things that I have use for and buy. Last year, through my club, the price was $73/sleeve, that's 5000 primers. Price on an order to be delivered this week, is $100.50/sleeve, a hike of better than 25%.

Next, take a look at Russian Steel Cased 7.62 x 39mm, otherwise known as "junk", though I've never ran into any that didn't go BANG. Current prices, mail order, that I've seen were running $150 or so, plus shipping. Couple of years ago, you got change from a $100 bill per case (1000 rounds).

Take a look at metal prices while you are at it. What's happened to lead and brass. I reload virtually everything I shoot, and Walmart has never really impressed me. To each his own, however Walmart buys what it sells, they make nothing.

As to prices going down once "this war is over", when do you think that might be? Given that blue is not my best color, I would not hold my breath. We will have to see re that aspect of things.

In any event, while the prices you mentioned might well be "highway robbery", you always have the choice of not buying what is offered, given that you are unhappy with the price. Also,with ammunition, you can reload. If you don't already, have a look at how much it would cost to set-up for reloading. Of course, you would still need components, some of which you can make yourself, some you can't.

Cpl Nobbs

New member
the cost of reloading components has also jumped significantly. I recently paid $21.00 for a box (1000) primers where middle of last year I paid $13.00. powder jumping from $15.00 to $23.00 a pound. bullets by the same ammount (when you can find them, esp .225 and 30-06/.308)

wal-mart prices arn't any better. my local mom and pop charges me the same as walmart wants, but I prefer to pay a bit more to Mom and Pop as fellow local business folk.