Waiting periods can be fun.


New member
I am in the middle of 11 days of pure, unadulterated bliss. Like a kid on Christmas Eve for 10 nights, I anxiously await November 3rd. At 10:00am I pick up my new Kimber Classic Custom Stainless .45 auto.

Do any of you share the feeling I have as I walk around with my receipt and pick-up tag? It is like a winning lottery ticket in my pocket. I know that I win on November 3rd.

Having to wait makes me feel like I am doing something that requires discipline. Something completely responsible and rational. Bye-bye buyer's remorse. I can't feel guilty about a spontaneous purchase- not when I have to jump through so many hoops and wait so long to actually take the thing home.

I am incurably optimistic.

I still believe that we should string up the antis and get rid of waiting periods, but I will miss them when they (the waiting periods) are gone.


New member
not me...my waiting period intails 'lay-away' so by the time i've scaped up the money to purchase I'm well ready to get the damn gun! :)

fortunatly, here in Tx our 'waiting period' [[for me anyway]] last about 20 minutes for the callback.


I couldn't handle a "waiting period". I put a gun on lay-a-way once... it was on the 15th of the month (used to get paid on the 1st and 15th).. I had the money to get it out of lay a way but it was supposed to be used for something else. I went home... layed awake that night.. and decided, the heck with bills and went the next day to finish paying for it. The gun shop owner laughed at me (good naturally) but I had it... he even threw in another box of shells for the heck of it...

Nope, couldn't do the waiting period thing.



Your intened waiting period----

YOu wait as you pull out the key for your safe, you wait as you fumble with the lock on the gun finally inserting the key and getting the lock, you then wait as you load the gun as you retreive the ammo from the other room.
You then wait as you feel the live drain from you as you realize your friendly home invader didnt have to wait to stab you several times.
DOH! I did it again I jumped subject I went from the waiting period to gun safety.
At this rate Ill never be an NRA certified firearms instructor.

I ofcourse dont want to tell anyone how to or not to store their guns but as many may know in CA. we being told how to keep thugs safe from the possibillity of us defending ourselves against them.
Now how many ponder over how little uproar was raised when this law was passsed how many dont think it could happen in your state.
Hey here comes another waiting period and as we do the NRA and HCI close that terrible gunshow loophole in Colorado.
Ive bought 3 guns that Ill admit to throught that loophole I call my freedom to be untracked by a facist government.

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"


New member
Oklahoma waiting period has been 5 to 15 minutes for me! :D

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Thomas Jefferson


New member
Santana, you must not have your CHL then - ?

If you did have it, your wait would be the length of time needed to fill out the 4473 and say "goodbye".


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

CMOS's Site


New member
Finally got to pick mine up a couple months ago. Kimber Compact Stainless.

Interesting story along with it. I 'crossed the line' and decided to buy it. Paid, filled out forms (in Kali) and began the wait. That night while on a visit to the hardware store, I was closing my wallet after paying and for some wild reason focused on my drivers lisc. It had expired at my last B-day a few months earlier. Oops! Most of you already made the connection, but I went the next morning and stood in line at DMV and re-newed. New one coming in the mail in 2-3 weeks. Get to work and notice new voicemail. From the gun shop theres a problem with my purchase. When I get the gun shop on the phone I find out that it doesn't matter that I have rectified the problem. I STILL can't START the waiting period until I have a valid drivers lisc with my picture on it. Not the paper temp version. Wait, wait, wait, new DL comes in mail. Show it to gun shop and fill out all new forms. Now can start the 'real' waiting period. THEN ... Finally get to pick up the new Kimber.

All that aside, MG44, you're gonna like it! Enjoy!



Moderator Emeritus
During my gap between CCW permits (I had stupidly let the one issued when I lived in a rural county expire and had to re-acquire one inside Atlanta) my credit card took longer to run than my background check...

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!


New member
You're nuts. I hate waiting while filling out the damn yellow form! The only reason I got a CCW permit was to bypass the NICS for a new gun. No waiting.


New member
Months back I bought a rifle from a dealer over the internet. Gave my cashier's check to my local FFL and waited. Two weeks later he called to say it had arrived. I went to his shop, filled out the paperwork and he made the call. The papershuffler on the other end told him they were having problems and I would have to come back in a few days. The dealer laid into the papershuffler. "I know this buyer," he screamed. "He just passed the background check a couple of months ago! He had to take off work to come and do this stupid check. Get your act together." A few minutes later I walked out with my new gun.

It would be pretty hard for them to nail an FFL who's also a judge.

It still toasts me that we're to this point.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to every gun owner you know.

John Marshall

New member
The only waiting period I've had to endure was when I ordered a gun the dealer didn't have in stock.

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.