Wait time for online dealers to ship


New member
If you've recently ordered an "in stock" handgun online, how long did it take them to ship it?

I'm at a week and wondering if they have it, or if they're too busy to tell me they don't.


New member
I've only ordered from places that address this question up front such as Bud's, which marks the items as fast or slow ship. Ordered a 15-22 on normal ship (rabbit symbol) and it shipped within the week.


New member
While not a handgun, I ordered a xdm compact 13 rd mag from SA a while back and it took about 18 days to receive it. The whole time it's status remained as "processing" all the way up until it arrived at my house.


New member
I ordered a Kahr CW45 from Bud's a few weeks ago, and it was listed as an in stock, "quick" ship item. But, I paid by e-check, which added about 5 days to the process. I normally mail a Postal Money Order, but they didn't guarantee that the gun would still be in stock by the time that it arrived; and, in this climate, I didn't want to take a chance with that. So, I waited about 2 weeks until my dealer called and said that it was ready to pick up. I've ordered guns from Bud's before that showed up in about 8 days from the time that I dropped the MO off in the mail.


New member
A couple of days ago my order advanced to "IN QUEUE for processing," with no updates since. I might call them Monday if nothing changes.

Thanks for the replies.


New member
I called them up, and there was a SNAFU for which I'll take the blame.

This is my first internet firearm order. I had the FFL guy send them his info, BUT I neglected to use common sense and give him my order number to include with his FFL info.

They had my order, they had his FFL info, but they had no way of knowing that that was where to ship my order. They didn't specify that in their instructions, but it does fall under the category of using common sense on my part. An email from them saying they were waiting on the FFL info would have been nice, but I'm sure they're busy.

There's still a hang...the gun is out of production and was listed as "very low stock" which immediately changed to "out of stock" once I placed the order.

They don't "have" the gun, but will get it from their supplier, which will take 2-3 weeks IF the supplier still has it. Time will tell.


New member
Time spoke sooner than I expected.

The gun I'd ordered was a Beretta 21A .22LR, for SD. I know...

Anyway I got to thinking, if it's going to take them 2-3 weeks to see if they can get it now, it would have taken them 2-3 weeks to see if they could have gotten it last week, and they were incommunicado, so I was checking out .22 revolvers on GB and something that was just what I was looking for popped up and I snatched it, and cancelled the order for the 21A since they're probably out of stock.

I'll use a S&W M-60 for SD, and have fun with this.
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New member
I have a gun on order from Bud's. It is paid for to get guaranteed pricing but the gun likely will not ship until October or November


New member
Last gun I bought was in Dec during the "all-out" panic and I had it within a week. I realize that inventory is down now, but a dealer should not be selling guns he does not have and they should arrive about as quickly as they usually would.


New member
but a dealer should not be selling guns he does not have and they should arrive about as quickly as they usually would.

That would be nice in a perfect world. Some guns are so popular, they are allocated to certain dealers. They would be virtually unobtainable at your LGS.

Bud's told me the Springfield that I want is sold out before they ever get one and to be fair to customers like me, they offer guaranteed pricing. The catch is they are using my money interest free in return for selling me one of those guns at the price I paid when I ordered it.

That same gun today is almost 80 dollars more and you still have to wait.

Try to find a Springfield M1911-A1 9mm and you will see what I mean.

I shot one at the range back in late summer and the guy told me he had been waiting for a year to get one and just happened to stumble on a dealer who had a personally owned one and wanted to sell it.

I am not crazy about the wait or having to pay upfront. Worst case. . .I get my money back. Best case, I get the gun.


New member
It's pretty crazy nowadays. Normally, the online dealers that I purchase thru, can get them out in a day or two.

Contrast Man

New member
I placed an order for a 686+ from kygunco.com that was listed in stock in mid jan and I didn't get to take delivery from my ffl until mid Feb. A little long, but could've been worse i suppose.


New member
That would be nice in a perfect world. Some guns are so popular, they are allocated to certain dealers. They would be virtually unobtainable at your LGS.

I understand this...but the OP said an "in stock" gun. My answer was applicable to his question.

I understand that some guns are popular as I was on a waiting list at a local shop from Sept until two weeks ago for a Smith and Wesson Shield.


New member
I ordered two guns from Bud's and they were shipped very quickly. Unfortunately, their "preferred" FFL that I selected had moved and the guns both got sent back to Bud's before anyone could reroute them to another FFL. All's well that ends well, though -- got them about a week later.


New member
I emailed the seller and told him the check is in the mail. He responded with, "We received your dealers FFL this morning. We put a coat of wax on the Hi Std and packed er up!"

I don't know why, but I thought that was funny.
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