Waffen Werks AK 74 Disappointment


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Hi all,
I wanted to give a brief review of the Waffen Werks AK 74 that I picked up from Classic Firearms.


Fit and finish of the rifle seemed good. Positive safety. Dust cover was a bit stiff but no real issue. As a note the finish is essentially parkerizing, so be careful when cleaning it. I tried using a brass brush to get a little spot of rust out of one of the seams and stripped the finish, that's my own fault. The finish itself is uniform and certainly makes the rifle look better than other AK variants I've seen. Solid stain seems fine, wood was in decent shape. The TAPCO mags fit snugly and loaded fine and the bag is a nice one. Haven't use the scope mount yet.

I wish it ended there. Took the rifle shooting finally. At 50 yds off a rest on a bench it was printing dead center elevation, but off the paper to the left in terms of windage. I'd estimate 8" left at 50 yds. Bringing the rifle in to 25 yds showed it printing 4" left. Multiple shooters encountered the same problem. The firearm was consistent at least. It functioned flawlessly as well in terms of feeding and ejecting.

In looking closer I noticed the front sights were canted. I should have inspected it better when I picked it up, I was just excited. I've made multiple calls and sent emails to Waffen Werks and all forms of communication have gone unanswered. The phone number on their website leads to a cell phone with the person giving Waffen Werks as her name, but no one picks up. Really disappointed. Almost feels like they closed up shop or something. I'm hoping they're just on some kind of break. Rifle's relatively useless to me until I get it fixed, unless I Kentucky windage everything. In looking online I seem to be in the minority with this problem, but there are a few others. Inspect the rifle very carefully before accepting the transfer.

Assuming I do get the issue fixed I do think it is a good value given that in the current market I've seen WASR 10s going for $800.
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New member
Shame, no such issue with mine, took a little adjustment to be right on, but the sights certainly weren't canted on mine. Hope it gets worked out.


New member
Did you try adjusting the front site to correct the windage? Is the site so canted as to not get on target within its adjustment range? Canted sites are pretty common on AKs. I don't condone it but got used to it. I've had two Egyptian Maadis that were so far out the front site needed to be corrected, but the Romanian ones only took a bit of adjustment to get on paper. You can buy an adjustment tool from a number of places to crank over the drum.


New member
You can buy an adjustment tool from a number of places to crank over the drum.

You're right and that's likely the next step. My concern is the front sight post is almost going to be right against the protective ears in order to get the rifle zeroed.


New member
You have options:

1. Continue trying to contact Waffen Works.

2. Contact Classic Arms and see if they'll take care of it.

3. Contact Classic Arms and see if they can put you in touch with Waffen Works.

4. Correct the front sight cant yourself. This is not that hard, and a LOT of
Romanian WASR owners have done it without a lot of trouble.

5. Sight it in with an AK sight tool and see how bad it is.


New member
Talked to Waffen Werks today. They're emailing me a UPS shipping label and are playing for the shipping both ways. According to them they test fire each rifle at the range, so something must be up as it shouldn't be that far off. I'm impressed by their willingness to get this fixed. Like I said originally, if it does get fixed I'll be pretty happy with the rifle as the rest of the features are solid. The G2 trigger, btw, is pretty outstanding. If only I could put one in my SKS.


New member
when I first saw the title I was thinking "damn, where was this ten days ago" when I ordered the same rifle from Classic myself. I'm glad to hear they're attempting to make things right. Poop can happen anytime, so as long as they stand behind the rifle and make it right I feel much more comfortable about the rifle that is sitting at my FFL waiting to be picked up tomorrow.


New member
Talked to Waffen Werks today. They're emailing me a UPS shipping label and are playing for the shipping both ways. According to them they test fire each rifle at the range, so something must be up as it shouldn't be that far off. I'm impressed by their willingness to get this fixed. Like I said originally, if it does get fixed I'll be pretty happy with the rifle as the rest of the features are solid. The G2 trigger, btw, is pretty outstanding. If only I could put one in my SKS.

You never know what kind of test firing a company does for its firearms. Maybe they just shoot it for function and not necessarily for accurazy/zero.

Good to hear they are taking care of you at least. Keep us posted and good luck!


New member
Picked up mine today. I got one of the B grade rifles -- yes the wood isn't perfect, but it is very serviceable. I don't have any 5.45 yet to test fire, but the front sight appears to be correct. I'll add more once I make it to the range, but for now I'm very happy with the rifle and the deal.


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Waffen Werks AK-74 FTF, FTE, Jamming, QC, not honoring Warranty

I can verify first hand that WW AK74 rifles are having QC issues, here's my rant:

I bought it earlier this year and immediately had lots of FTF and FTE issues. When the rifle did eject, it would sometimes toss the spent casing back into the receiver, or smash it into the dust cover, locking the action up. Seriously? Ughh.

I contacted Waffen Werks and they told me to send the rifle back in, which I did. After a while of not hearing anything back, I called to check up on the rifle. I spoke with Hank and he said they wouldn't warranty the rifle because it had been "modified". I told him I hadn't done anything to the rifle. I returned it exactly the way I bought it...synthetic black stock, synthetic black grip, and Damage Industries Modular Forearm (Picatinny Rail), all listed on the sales receipt. He said they didn't ship the rifles with the DI rail on them, so therefore it was "modified". He said the distributor AGS Armament added the DI rails to lots of WW AK74's and that they would have to warranty the rifle. To my knowledge, WW never even test fired the gun for function.

Fast forward to AGS Armament. AGS Armament took delivery of the rifle and sat on it for a while...they're very busy and had some other issues to attend to. They were very polite and promised to look into the gun. After checking back in with them week later, they said they were experiencing the same problems with the rifle. They removed the DI Forend and slapped a wood one back on and said they rifle was now firing fine. They claimed the DI Forend was the issue and returned the rifle to me.

After almost 6 months, I received the rifle back and guess what? It's jamming again. Same problem as before, so it's not the DI rail. Frustrated I showed the rifle to a friend who's built several AK's and is very knowledgeable. Within 5 minutes we see the problem....it's the Waffen Werks receiver. It's out of spec and stamped wrong. The location holes for the pins, safety selector, trigger, etc are all misaligned! The holes on the left side of the receiver are further toward the muzzle and the holes on the right side of the receiver are further toward the stock. All the internals are canted and one of the receiver rails is lower than the other. This is clearly a manufacturing defect that should have been caught. They should have never switched from the Nodak Spuds they were using before.

Anyway, that's my story. I'm stuck with a Lemon of a rifle that I paid a good chunk of change for...especially because it had the "Damage Industries" rail. I made a Youtube video if you want to see what I'm talking about in more detail....



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I would suggest getting back with Waffen Works and show them some pictures of the defect in the receiver, and any correspondence from AGS.

If the rifle was modified, that voids the Waffen warranty. However, if the receiver was defective from the get-go they should take care of it.


New member
I was experiencing an awful lot of failures similar to what Neptunetriton was seeing. Friends say the rifle is overgassed.


I need to check, but it seems slightly possible that the receiver is bent inwards a bit.