Waco revisited


New member

Somebody has pointed out that since 1967 about 200 convicted felons have been executed in this country, as opposed to 80 odd suspected miscreants at Waco.

Number 6

"Somebody has pointed out that since 1967 about 200 convicted felons have been executed in this country, as opposed to 80 odd suspected miscreants at Waco."

Note further that each of the duly executed felons had full due process and observance of their rights.

Those summarily killed at Waco had none of those protections and many were women and children - the same people the feds were ostensibly "protecting." :barf:


It is, but the link above is a very good excerpt.

It's causing me to remember how much I forgot.



New member
There was just a 20 page or better discussion on this subject over on arfcom.

There is another good book worth reading besides the "no more wacos" book. I don't have my notes from the above thread with me but will post the title when I get a chance to do so.

There is also another video out by the folks who did "waco: rules of engagement". I think the new one is called "waco: a new revelation." I have not seen the second one yet but it was highly recomended and since I have the first one I believe it will be well worth the price.

I need to wander off now to do some stuff, I will dig up the title for the book and post it tonight or tomorrow.