W231 in .357mag?


New member
Hi again. Does 6.6g of W231 in .357mag using 158gJHP Hornady bullets sound like too much? A friend said that's what he likes to use, but I don't have my manuals here today. Thanks.


New member
If you haven't used that load before you need to start at 6.0 grains, max charge is 6.8.

Mark whiz

New member
Posted Max Charges have to be taken with a grain of salt. My load data has the max charge for 158gr JHPs anywhere from 6.9gr (Winchester) to 7.7gr (Sierra). But I HIGHLY recommend working upward from 6.0 gr as G56 said.

Personally, for my 4" Ruger Security Six: It shoots 6.9gr and XTPs VERY well and absolutely no signs of excessive pressure at 1057fps.

k in AR

New member
Both G56 and Mark whiz are correct, still I would like to add this...
The W231 works great with my 38 specials, yet not very good in the 357 mags.
When loading the 357 I have much better results (accuracy and FPS), using a powder like W296, AA9, etc., I.e. a slower burning powder that fills the case more.
JM$.02, k


New member
W296, H110 or 2400 are ideal for fullpower .357 loads ---- for something a little lighter I would recommend Blue Dot or Unique over W231.
I've put quite a few pounds of 231 through .38 Spl. and .357 Mag.

I use it exclusively for lead bullet loads in .357 Mag., and go to other powders, such as WW 296, for jacketed bullets.

Mark whiz

New member
Like the others have said, my BEST 158gr JHP loads are with Win296 or AA#5, not Win231..................... but the 231 load below doesn't suck either. ;)

But for the lighter 145gr Win Silvertips I load for my CCW use, 231 gives me MUCH better groups than any powder I've tried to date. And I would think if you tried the lighter 125gr XTPs with 231, you'd get good groups as well.