VPC's Vote From the Rooftops


Member In Memoriam
Picture at VPC homepage looks familiar. ;)

Bogus net connect (or VPC's site is hosed) & couldn't get the Vote From Rooftop page to come up .... did get the following from ColoradoRKBA e-mail:

"VPC: U.S. Gun Industry Armed Osama bin Laden's Terror Network: Al Qaeda Bought 25 Barrett 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles

WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The U.S. gun industry sold at least twenty-five 50 caliber sniper rifles to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's terror network, a study released by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) today reports. The study, Voting From the Rooftops, details the tremendous power of the Barrett M82A1 50 caliber sniper rifles-which U.S. Marines used in the Gulf War to knock out Iraqi armored vehicles from 1,750 yards away-and the gun's potential use to commit terror acts that could cause enormous casualties. The Barrett sniper rifle has spawned a bourgeoning market for these types of weapons that are becoming cheaper, lighter and more widely available. There are known to be at least fifteen 50-caliber sniper rifle manufacturers-nearly double the number of companies that were manufacturing and marketing 50 calibers to civilians in 1999.

"We can be shocked, but not surprised that the gun industry would sell these dangerous military weapons to Al Qaeda," said the study's author, Tom Diaz, VPC's senior policy analyst. "These 50 caliber sniper rifles are ideal tools for terror and assassination."

Voting from the Rooftops explains the enormous range of 50 caliber sniper rifles, the explosive power of special armor-piercing and armor-piercing incendiary ammunition easily available in the United States, and why this war-fighting power in the hands of Al Qaeda and other terrorists creates a grave threat to all Americans.

Among the dangers the study details are:

How 50 caliber sniper rifles can create disaster at industrial
facilities handling explosive, toxic or volatile chemical-the kind of
threat terrorism analysts already warn transforms a target into a

Why a report for the Air Force warned that 50 caliber sniper rifles
endanger aircraft, bulk fuel tanks, fuel trucks and other airport
facilities-terrorists can turn planes into "bombs on the ground."

The rash of 50 caliber sniper rifles found in the arsenals of domestic terrorist and extremist groups, including one that plotted to kill a state governor, U.S. Senator, and federal judges.

To obtain a copy of Voting from the Rooftops please call Naomi Seligman at 202-822-8200 ext. 105 or visit the VPC website at


Member In Memoriam
Thought you'd get a kick outa that. :cool:

Maybe a brief note to yon :barf:s that you do expect payment for using your image on their website is in order. If nothing else, it's cheap entertainment. :D

BTW, if anyone can get their VFR .pdf to come up, I'd appreciate a post on that - I've got about a 1K/sec connect right now ....


New member
Actually thats not my image. Just one of my hats. But it is a great pic. I'm not sure who the guy in the picture is, but he should be proud to be upsetting so many liberal bedwetters. :p

Marko Kloos

New member
A .50 has awesome destructive power? Not as much as a 767, methinks. So when are we going to regulate sselling thse manned Cruise Missiles to just any country with an airline and a checkbook?

Bliss ninnies. When will they realize that it's not the tool that makes the killer? Yoy can use a rolled-up newspaper to kill someone if you have killing on your mind.

Their universe is a strange place....


New member
Hey Larry, think they would put a link up for you for those interested in buying one ?:D

hahahaha - Man I am now triple glad I bought those hats - I can't wait till a anti recognizes it !

Derek Zeanah

New member
heh - that's the image you originally posted to let us know what the hats looked like. Where'd it come from? And where can we buy those shirts?

I wonder if the VPC lackeys that follow this forum get indigestion -- sure looks like someone found that image here a week or so ago...


New member
If I recall correctly I think it was dZ that posted that pic quite a while ago here on TFL. But I may be wrong. It was just such a cool picture that I linked to it to show people what the hats looked like.


New member
IIRC, anything greater than 50caliber is a NFA item. You need nothing more to buy one of these than you'd need to buy another rifle.

I like the proposal to, "Regulate the gun industry." You know, the gun industry is totally unregulated now.


New member
The U.S. gun industry sold at least twenty-five 50 caliber sniper rifles to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's terror network, a study released by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) today reports.

I can't get the pdf to load. Does anyone know what kind of evidence VPC provides for this allegation? I've learned over the years not to trust anything VPC spouts. Not a word. If Diaz said the sky was blue, I'd look out the window for verification.

Does VPC establish a direct commerce connection (even with a handful of middlemen)? Does VPC establish that these 25 rifles were not, for example, sold to a military and misdirected? Was there any illegal activity or fraud by Al Qaeda in getting the weapons?

What is VPC's proof for "sold to"?

I'd really like to know the facts (or factoids) on which VPC bases this charge. Remember, the simple fact that Al Qaeda has the weapons is not "proof" that "the gun industry" sold to them, and it certainly is not evidence of any collusion, as VPC implies.

What are the facts here? (This isn't the first time that VPC's B.S. wouldn't load)


New member
It still doesn't work.

I saw this in an email this morning and, if I recall correctly, one person from the Texas Gun Owners said the sales were made when the Afghani's were still facing a Soviet threat. Anyone else know about this?


New member
Mirror doesn't work for me either. I'm on dial up, so maybe that's the problem. Although I typically can load large pdfs.


New member

The file is 4mb. I downloaded it over dialup, but it took a good 15 minutes.
It's a lot of hand-wringing pablum. I can't believe I'm storing this crap on my hard drive. :barf:
Truly a testament to how the cost of storage space has come down.

They cite two sources with regard to Osama getting his grubby little nubbies on a bunch of Barretts.

They are

93) Transcript of trial, United States of America v. Usama bin Laden, et al., United States District Court, Southern District of New York, February 14, 2001, pp. 556-557, "Al-Qaeda's Business Empire," Jane's Intelligence Review, (August 1st, 2001.)

94)"Osama bin Laden and his Group," The Washington Post, 13 September, 2001, downloaded from http://washingtonpost.com on September 15, 2001; "Blowback" Jane's Intelligence Review, 1 August, 2001; "US Finds Bin Laden an Elusive Target," USA Today, 1 March, 2001, p1A.

I apologize for any misspellings or typos in the above, since it was a *.pdf file I couldn't just copy and paste it.

It's stuff like this that makes me wish I had the dough to afford one of these things before they are taken away from us. :(

Derek Zeanah

New member
Looks like about 20 people have requested the file in the last couple of hours -- no errors in the log so I'll assume it's working fine for most people.

You aren't missing much.
I read the report - which was absolutely huge and practically a compendium of Internet firearms sources. They quoted liberally from biggerhammer.net, Sniper Country, and a whole host of other sources - not to mention that I wouldn't be surprised to find that they pulled that picture from TFL.

As usual, the report is full of half-truths and outright lies :barf:

The only thing you know for sure about any VPC report is that at best it will have a passing familiarity with the truth and is almost guaranteed to evoke strong negative reactions from anyone with a brain and a conscience.