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New member
From the London Times.
British students act as shields
By Stephen Farrell

AN Irish activist was among 30 peace workers acting as human shields to protect the Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat last night, while British students occupied houses near his compound to protect Palestinian civilians.
Caoimhe Butterly, 23, a member of the International Solidarity Movement who has written for Sinn Fein’s newsletter An Phoblacht, has spent three days inside the Muqataa, and was joined yesterday by more than two dozen French, Italian and other westerners.

They and at least one Israeli woman walked past Israeli tanks outside Mr Arafat’s building, even though warning shots were fired. All are defying an Israeli order proclaiming Ramallah a closed military zone where foreigners, journalists and non-residents are liable to instant arrest.

The activists said last night that they would remain in the West Bank town because they believed Palestinians would be killed or rounded up by Israeli forces if they left.

Before entering the compound Ms Butterly, who has spent four months in Israel and the West Bank, said: “They are shooting at ambulances. I have two friends who have been shot at.

“Our idea is to get international people in Ramallah because they are less likely to be shot at than Palestinians.”

At Ramallah Hospital yesterday Palestinian medical staff sat in the road to stop Israeli soldiers entering. The standoff lasted an hour, and the Israelis withdrew after international peace workers arrived.

Of the nine British students in Ramallah Dan Glazebrook, 24, the President of Sussex University Students’ Union, said he and the others were concerned for their safety and wanted to move to a hotel with other international volunteers, or to leave the town.

Osama Muttawa, from Brighton, said they had asked to be evacuated, but had been told by the British consul that this could not be done.

The Consul General said last night that it had advised the Britons to stay inside. A spokesman said: “We are in close contact. When it is possible to move we will help them but the Israelis are not allowing even diplomatic cars into Ramallah.”



New member
Well, I got flamed for saying this last time, so I'll put on my fireproof underwear real quick... ok.



New member

This is just such an appropriate thing for a bliss ninny to do. We should encourage it. Maybe we can get them all to move to Palestine and Afghanistan.

Jim V

New member
If a few of the protestors had been willing to step in front of (or along side) the suicide bombers, I might think that they were really wanting peace.


New member
Originally posted by Jim V
If a few of the protestors had been willing to step in front of (or along side) the suicide bombers, I might think that they were really wanting peace.

They say the measure of a man's intelligence is whether or not he agrees with you.... You are a freaking genius... Heh.. :D


New member
Hahaha "Ethniklashistan".

Gotta post this pic...


Moderator Emeritus
Q. What do you call a Solidarity Movement Activist who protects terrorists by acting as a human shield?

A. Collateral Damage...


New member
continual reinforcement

Of the fact that Darwin's theory of evolution was totally and completely inaccurate and incorrect...

The FITTEST are not the one's who survive and we see evidence of that daily.....sorry guys....but that's the case.....:(


New member
The bliss-ninnies are now complaining after the IDF fired a few rounds into the ground. Considering how po'd most Israelis are WRT to Arafat, I'm surprised that none of the IDF soldiers decided to load up the nearest Ma Duce and let Arafat and his bliss-ninny buddies experience the Joy and Wonder of 50 caliber projectiles.


New member
Local hero...

Did anyone else see CNN's morning show today... I didn't know this but, aparently one of these idiots Adam Shapiro is from right here in NYC. They had his brother on complaining about all of the negative attention his family is getting from the community and the local press. What was he expecting, a medal?

This is great, they also mentioned that this guy is engaged to a Palestenian woman and is currently riding around in ambulances over there and making sure that Palestenion childred are able to aquire milk by standing between them and Israeli's.

This makes me sick, how long until these morons begin going on ride-alongs with the militia units involved in fighting? Or get involved in one of the sieges?

I would like to see one of them accompany one of the suiside bombers. Since they too need protection from the Israelis.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
:barf: Exactly. Sharon should let me run the operation... 1st order: Kill the non Palestinians FIRST. The Americans who are doing this apparently ignored the Palestinians dancing in the streets after September 11. I haven't. I won't. If the Palestinians want sympathy, if they want allies, if they want mercy, they had best look elsewhere. And I'll match American smart weapons against their baka weapons anytime.


How come no one told me, we were believing everything the news media was reporting.

I would like to know when you all started doing this?

The LIBERAL NEWS MEDIA is claiming, that the Palestinians are the bad guys.

The same liberal news media, that claims gunowners in America are bad guys?


What is really happening over there, and what the news media is telling us, is TWO different things.

I am surprised that so many people, especially in the firearms forums, would jump on the news medias bandwagon.



David Park

New member
Uh, Waterdog, can you point out the part of the London Times story that says that the Palestinians are the bad guys? All I see are implications that the evil Israeli military (armed with, *gasp*, GUNS) would be rounding up and killing innocent Palestinian civilians, storming hospitals, and shooting ambulances left and right if not for the presence of international peace workers. Here's the story I constantly hear from the liberal media:

The "homeland" of the poor Palestinians is being occupied by the big mean Israelis, and they are forced to send their children into Israel to blow up as a desparate act of last resort. The Palestinians aren't doing this because they hate the Israelis and want to wipe them off the planet, and if Israel would only withdraw to the pre-1967 borders, all the violence would stop and everyone would join hands and sing "We Are The World."

Now, if you take the opposite of that, I'd say you would be pretty close to the truth. The peaceniks in the news story seem pretty clueless, but their non-violent tactics seem to be working. Suicide bombings, on the other hand, always trigger Israeli retaliation. If Arafat really wanted to achieve his stated goal of a Palestinian homeland, it seems like he should be acting like Ghandi. Could it be that his real goal is the total elimination of Israel, by any means necessary?