Voice your thoughts on Pres debate

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Harris poll at www.debates.org.

My input for question to use at the debate:

We know that our Law Enforcement Officers cannot be on hand to protect us from crimes. For the most part they clean up after criminals. How will you control criminal use of firearms without depriving the economically disadvantaged access to firearms, safety training and familiarization courses for self defense in high crime areas?


New member
I assume that both of you agree that it is very important to uphold the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. Do you support appointing members of the judiciary that will strictly scrutinise State intrusion onto any right laid out in the Bill of Rights? Does this include the 2nd Amendment?
Will you move legislatively to insure the 2nd Amendment right much as the Congress did when it passed RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act)

"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities...Because it is the quality that guarantees all others"

Winston S. Churchill

"The American Republic is finished when the congress realizes that it can bribe the people with the peoples money"

De Touqueville