VLD Question


New member
Would the seating from the lands be the same for different bullet weights?
For example i shoot the 140gr Berger VLD Hunting seated 0.005 off of the lands. Would/should the 168gr Berger VLD Hunting use the same distance in the same rifle?

condor bravo

New member
Not sure of the answer you are looking for but will take a shot at one possibility. Assuming that the ogive profiles for each bullet are identical, my money would be on the probability that the distance off the lands would be the same as for the shorter bullet without having to make a seating die adjustment. The longer bullet would just be seated deeper. Or, if asking if .005 off the lands is appropriate for the longer bullet, probably so but some follow up firing should be done to verify accuracy. We're assuming a difference in powder charge with no high pressure indications.


New member
Yes, would be a powder charge change with the heavier bullet, along with the COAL.
Was hhoping for a start off point without doing the 24+ rounds to determine bullet jump.

7Mm Rem Mag, using RL26.


New member
"Bullet jump" is one of those things many will agonize over that really isn't all that critical.
Try the same setting and see what happens.
That will tell you what you want to know.

T. O'Heir

New member
Forget the off-the-lands stuff until you have a load. The 100% trial and error, off-the-lands stuff is a load tweaking technique you can ignore altogether if you want.
A 168 seated to the same OAL as a 140 will likely be stuck into the lands too. Assuming you're talking 7mm, a 140 grain Match Hunting bullet is 1.286" long. A 168 Match Hunting is 1.445" long. 159 thou difference.
The dreaded "M-1 thumb" is operator failure. Doesn't happen if you load correctly. snicker.


New member
Yup, i've already got the Berger manual, and have read cover to cover.
Was just hoping to avoid the whole 24 + rounds of what to me are expensive bullets.


New member
Ahh there is the rub and no avoiding said rub

Go with the odds, if they don't work, then go with the pain.


New member
Would the seating from the lands be the same for different bullet weights?
For example i shoot the 140gr Berger VLD Hunting seated 0.005 off of the lands. Would/should the 168gr Berger VLD Hunting use the same distance in the same rifle?

If they are the same profile ogive, then using the same seater die settings should give you the same jump to lands as only the amount of bullet in the cartridge case will differ.

However that's a huge if.
