Visited the local Police Academy ... CZ rules!


New member
... this morning I spent a couple of hours at the local police academy, discussing business with the chief of police regarding sharing an outdoor shooting range (together with our planned IDPA club) in the near future ... before leaving, he gave me the guided tour ... the shooting range they have, really blew my mind (considering African standards) ... it was absolutely not Africa like ... a very tidy, super modern 25 mtr. indoor range with computer controlled target slides and a control room with bullet- and sound-proof glass ... the bullet catcher is made of 8mm steel and the rounded bottom had to be flown in from South Africa, as there is no machine in Namibia that could bend the required radius (radius ca. 50cm - length ca. 10mtr) ... they recycle the bullets, press there own targets, have a fully eqipped reloading facility, weapon cleaning room, briefing room, sorta museum with all sorts of ancient tokarevs and Ak's and what not, crew room, rest room - you name it ... really impressive ...

... I'm somehow sliding off my own topic here ... the handguns they shoot are CZ 75's ... they tried many other guns in the past and kept on reverting back to the CZ's ... BHP's, HK's, Glocks, etc. ... no doubt, price and availability was also part of the equation ...

... however ...

... some of the CZ's are from 1983-1984 others are newer models - some B's amongst them, too ... they have approximately 20 of them 75's and those guns are virtually constantly 'on duty' ... the COP reckoned each of the guns uses up approximately 5000 shots a month ... there is a shooting session with different group of kadets about every hour ...

... he said, that the newer models eat up one slide catch every 20000 shots, on average ... some of the older models were never in for forced repair or parts replacement ... although some routine change of barrels or so was mentioned IIRC ... sure anybody can do the math to get an idea about the use and abuse those guns endure ...

... talking about abusing, he said something like "not even our 'shupshootas' manage to brake those CZ's" :D ...

... again - the question, whether to rank the CZ amongst the most 'underrated' or 'overrated' guns :rolleyes:

cheers and beers