Virginia Races too Close to Call--Your Vote is Needed


New member
Very helpful

Robert A. Heinlein wrote (through Lazarus Long) that such people serve a very useful purpose. All you have to do is find out what they think (yeah, that's a stretch!), and do the opposite. Save time when you're busy -- or lazy. But Heinlein also demonstrated that all real progress comes from lazy people avoiding hard work.

Now that's my definition of Progressive.:D

Mr. James

New member
:barf: :barf: :barf:

That's one heave for each Don McEachin flyer I received on Friday

:barf: :mad: :mad:

That's for the Sarah Brady recording on my home phone urging us to vote for these creatures.

Yeah, Reaper, that's something, gun grabbers claiming credit (if that's the right word) for Project Exile. These people are beyond comprehension or assistance.

I don't feel at all comfortable about 6 November, but I'll do my bit.


New member
Have they...

perfected a URL jammer yet?

I guess I'm not mainstream -

These people do NOT speak for me.

Please VA folks, VOTE today. Make me feel good after standing out there, smiling and hand-shaking, etc.

Have a GREAT DAY!!

By the way New Jersey - Vote too!
I just pulled 7, count them, SEVEN political "get out and vote" calls off of the answering machine!

Including one from the local delegate Jack Rust.

Someone screwed up BIG TIME when they put that out there. It was a raw "take copy" tape of him cutting the phone commercial!

Not good at all.

I still haven't figured out whether I'm voting for Jack Rust, Chap Petersen, or not voting in that race.

Quite frankly, they both suck.

I did get a VERY interesting message from NRA-ILA. Even though they didn't endorse Earley in the magazine, the message stated that Earley got an NRA "A-" rating, and Warner only got a C, so Earley was the much preferable candidate for governor.

David Park

New member
Latest polls...

I'm expecting Warner to win, but pro-gun Katzen has a good shot at Lt. Gov., and McEachin seems certain to lose (yipee). The amazing thing is Reams got 4% in the survey with his Reeferendum campaign, whereas Redpath only got 2%. (They must know I'm an LP member; I didn't get any calls.)

My prediction is that Reams will win with a shocking 54% of the vote, because all the people normally too stoned to vote will show up at the polls. :D


New member
My wife and I will be voting during our lunch hour. Earley, Katzen and Kilgore. My district (57) has only one option for delegate. It's like voting in the Soviet Union. Geez, I should run if no one else does. I'm only 50yds away from the district line that would allow me to vote for a fellow gun club member and CHP'er running as a Republican in district 58.

edit: heheh. I wrote myself in for district 57 House of Delegates. God Bless America!
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The Washington (Com)Post editorial today repeated its shill for the Democratic ticket in Virginia.

Played big on the gun issue for Attorney General, saying that McEachin wants sensible gun laws.

I guess that means that we in Virginia don't have anything right now?

What a ****ing waste of newsprint & ink.


New member
FWTV (For Whatever The Value)...

I voted at 11AM - my precinct count was 411 - an hour later 505. This precinct usually turns out around 2800 in important elections. I'd say this ones on the numbers. I feel the slant is to Earley - and hope the conservative Northern Va folks get out the vote.


New member
Mike - N. Va more and more is controlling the state. Pretty soon we west and south-side folks'll have to have two votes for every one of theirs just to stay even.

If Northern Virginia really IS controlling the state, then why do only 28-cents of every tax dollar that I send to Richmond come back to the area? :)

David Park

New member
The advantage to living next to an elementary school is being able to walk across the street to vote. (The disadvantage is all the loud-mouthed ankle-biters running amok.)

The Republican candidate for delegate, Klein, was out shaking hands, so I voted for him. I believe the NRA grades him as "?" on guns; can you say RINO? That's supposed to be a close race, and since I threw away my other votes on Libertarians, it's nice to think at least one of my votes counted. :p

Turnout seemed pretty low, but where I live that may be a good thing. I have to say, compared to the last election, this one is bound to be disappointing (as a media event, at least). ;)


New member
I don't know.

But I'm referring to the vote power.

But I've been wrong before; I'll be checking the election results tomorrow for the turnout and results ... that is if the Pilot prints state totes and not just local precincts.

BTW: How much election influence do you think the roads ($900mil) issue up there will have?



Mike in VA

New member
I voted around 11 for the Earley/Katzen/Kilgore crew. The general dearth of leadership is disappointing, I'm so sick of 'the lesser of two evils' . . . :rolleyes: