Virginia Members-Another Alert!-Senate Courts of Justice Committee Hearings on Friday


New member
Got this from the NRA:

On Friday, January 18 at 8:00 a.m. the Senate Courts of Justice Committee will hold a
meeting on several bills of interest to Virginia gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters. A majority of these bills are anti-gun, and pose a serious threat to your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The following bills will be considered by this committee tomorrow morning in Senate Room A of the General Assembly Building.

•Senate Bill 1136, Senate Bill 1232, and Senate Bill 1281 would require a background check on all private firearm transfers, including between family members. NRA opposes.

•Senate Bill 911 and Senate Bill 1001 would require a background check on all private firearm transfers at a gun show. Under current law, only licensed dealers must obtain such a check. NRA opposes.

•Senate Bill 786 and Senate Bill 965 would mandate the reporting of lost and stolen firearms and impose penalties for failing to do so. NRA opposes.

•Senate Bill 1148 would prohibit individuals from selling, bartering or transferring a magazine designed to hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. NRA opposes.

•Senate Bill 1228 would effective repeal firearms preemption, and allow localities to adopt ordinances to regulate firearms and ammunition that are stricter than at the state level. NRA opposes.

•Senate Bill 785 would dictate how one must store firearms in their own home and impose criminal penalties. NRA opposes.

•Senate Bill 1299 would require Virginia State Police to report information on prohibited persons to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) consistent with their mental health data reporting. NRA supports.

•Senate Bill 1109 would allow individuals to privately transfer firearms to individuals who have had their rights restored. NRA supports.

Criminals -- by definition -- violate laws, especially gun control laws. They do not obey gun bans, register their firearms, undergo firearm safety training, apply for or get granted carry licenses/permits, purchase firearms through licensed dealers, or get subjected to any gun control schemes that only affect and penalize law-abiding citizens.

Please contact your state Senator NOW to oppose or support the legislation listed above if he/she serves on the Senate Courts of Justice Committee. For help identifying members of this committee, please click here. For help identifying your state Senator and contact information, please click here.