Violence Policy Center strikes again!


New member
"WASHINGTON, Sep 5, 2001 (U.S. Newswire via COMTEX) -- Yesterday, the Violence Policy Center (VPC), a national non-profit educational organization working to stop gun death and injury in America, joined by Legal Community Against Violence and Physicians for Social Responsibility, submitted formal comments to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opposing Attorney General John Ashcroft's proposed rule which would dramatically impair the Brady Law's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by requiring virtually immediate destruction of the vast majority of records in the system."

This story is obviously a press release by VPC. It calls them a "non-profit educational organization" when in reality it's a privately funded anti-freedom lobby group.

It goes on to list VPC's website
"The VPC comments on Attorney General Ashcroft's proposal are available at, the leading source of ongoing information on Ashcroft, his pro-gun activities and gun-lobby ties, as well as his enforcement of current gun laws. The site can also be reached through the VPC's main web site at
--- For more information and a copy of the VPC comments please contact
Naomi Seligman at 202-822-8200, ext. 105 or visit the VPC's websites and

CONTACT: Naomi Seligman of the Violence Policy Center (VPC), 202-822-8200, ext. 105 Web site: www.vpc.or
Copyright (C) 2001, U.S. Newswire"

I'm not surprized, but I am offended at the biased nature of this alledged "news article". Perhaps we should talk to U. S. Newswire.

Justin Moore

New member
Perhaps we should 'contact' Naomi Seligman and tell her what a PUNK she is :mad:

Let's get to work JAMMING up her phone line!

Ashcrofts ties to 'gun lobby' groups? Well GOD FORBID, that there are groups out there that actually want to uphold the Bill of Rights ;)


New member
Do note that they fail to mention the "anti-gun activities and anti-gun-lobby ties" of Sens. Schumer, Feinstein, Kennedy, et al.