Video for RCBS Progressive Users: Finally, a Primer Strip Sensor


New member
Geeze! Is there no RCBS Pro 2000 users in this forum who might even comment on this really worthwhile tool? Click on the picture to see the video.
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New member
P5 Guy, if you ever upgrade to the Pro 2000 progressive you can always find this and other improvements to that press, on the tacked "Interesting Threads" thread, under "RCBS Mods" at

I plan to improve the tool for myself by having the same micro-controller "count" powder used too, and remind me when the hopper is getting too low. A feed to an optical switch, mounted to a powder cop, could improve that kind of tool as well, with another warning sound.

The point of all of this is that we have more than eyes to see. Why not use our ears to take some of the load off. Progressive reloading is a juggling act that puts most of the responsibility, on the eyes, to see that everything is going as planned. Dillon smartly gives the ears something to do with their powder and primer sensors... This tool can conceivably to all that the Dillon tools do, on one tool, with no mechanical devices to add to powder hoppers or primer tubes. This first one is a prototype that anybody can buy and customize to fit their own press, and the price is way less than I thought it would be.
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Bailey Boat

A perfect solution for a problem I have yet to encounter....... I've been loading on my 2000 since they first came out and haven't forgotten primers yet!!!! Nor powder or bullets, but I did forget my wife's name once!!!


New member
Wow! I'm impressed....dang near perfect are you?:D Guess I'm the only stupid one. I never forgot my wife's name though!...just her Birthday 4 days before we were married! Thought that was over....38 years ago.

I'm not a connected to the fellow that made me that custom board. So I have no interest in trying to sell this to anybody, just attempting to share what I think is a great help. But if you can't see the advantage in not having to look up while you're cranking them out....then by all means save $30.
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