Video - Car Smash and Grab at Gun Store


New member
I would suggest gun stores and even other stores with ATM machines should place concrete pillars (like you find next to gas pumps) at appropriate spots in and or around their establishments. This should at least give the perp's a nose bleed.


New member
A gun shop in Tucson had a stolen front end loader driven through the front wall years ago. Stopping that would have been difficult at best, BUT, the sound of the alarm apparently unnerved the robbers, and they fled empty handed. HUGE bill for damages...


New member
I dont know if its law or just up to each individual store, but every place Ive been too here in IL that sells firearms, there is a big sign that says at night, all firearms are put into a safe. Leaving all the rifles and handguns on display after hours, out in the open just seems like youre asking for trouble and trying to attract the criminals. :rolleyes:


New member
KyJim kinda ironic the owners wife(Miss Latina Kentucky) was sentenced in her assault case hours before.Then she immediatly broke her plea agreement by being in the store.She wasn't supposed to own or be around guns per agreement.


New member
lwfiredog I haven't been in a store here in Ky that does that.I would imagine it would take all night to put them up in a place like Bud's.Most of one's around me do have iron bars covering doors and windows.


New member
I saw a robbery just like that happen right in front of me, although it was a credit union, not a gun store. They had to reverse and drive at the doors a few times to break through due to limited space. It's a popular way to steal complete ATM machines where I come from.