Video available: John Lott speaking. 11/03 - Independance Ohio


New member
This is some video I shot while John Lott was here to counter MMM ninnies whining about their State Rep supporting CCW. They made many outlandish claims.

I thought I'd clean up the footage of John Lott and get it posted first, I'm working on an editorialized version of the babbling the MMM folks made..pointing out their lies.

There are 4 versions of it, ranging from 11megs to 124megs, get the best one you can handle downloading at: walkervision


New member
Yeah, my sites are behind a cable modem...upload speed isn't the fastest...:barf:

Not to mention there are 6 people on there now, probably all downloading...hehe.. I hate wasting bandwidth anyway, there's probably news group downloading going on in the background as well.


New member
Didja notice the spiffy Public Service Announcement box on the top left? Probably has an Oleg picture in it (he said I could) ;-)...


New member

I just told the OhioCCW folks too, hehe.. Perhaps I should consider streaming the video...naw probably wouldn't save any time..

Although I probably shouldn't have left x-windows running and using up gobs of ram..


New member
Probably not, I'll ask if I can copy them over... Then I could just change the links on my site to point directly to the files here...

Come to think of it, I probably should have done that with the other files as my site makes it easier to organize the videos and provide descriptions, ratings and stuff... hmm...


New member
I've got 27% so far (only going ~10K/sec).

I'll throw it up on the edonkey2000 network when it finishes.


New member
All versions are on their way to TFL, I'll change the links from my site to download directly from TFL as soon as Rich moves them to their final home..


New member
Excellent! I especially liked the end where you (or whoever) said, "You should go tell them this, cause you're preaching to the choir here." :D. I'd like to get ahold of the other tape you have as well.


New member
I'd like to get ahold of the other tape you have as well.

The one of the MMM ninnies? The complete video is 18 minutes including some comments from the pro-gun folks at the end... And chock full of lies of course, it will make you sick!!

I'm working on an edited down version that will include commentary from me (just textual) exposing the most blatent lies and some other comments. I should be able to squeeze that one down to 5 minutes but it's going to take time.


New member
Oh my gawd... I've been working a bit on "MMM Lies and Videotape" and as I'm cruising through the tape looking for things to comment on (up to absolute lie #4 so far, discounting the repeats of course..) this senile lady starts talking about Jim Trackas voting record...and she says (and I quote!)
he floated no on background checks for people who wanna be guns
This couldn't be any better if I'd scripted it.. she also doesn't believe in hidden loaded guns, which is a good thing cause if she did criminals would have them. I'll not even bother attacking "floated"... bigger fish to fry.