VH1 Supports and celebrates criminals!


New member
I was watching TV this morning and saw this story: http://celebrityjustice.warnerbros.com/judge/02/10/vh1.html

On the series premiere episode, taped in Pennsylvania’s Graterford Prison, cameras follow a head-banger rock band called “Dark Mischief.” The band includes a rapist, two murderers, and a convicted double murderer named Christopher Bissey. Bissey is serving two life sentences for killing two teenage girls in 1995.

:mad: :mad: :mad:


IMNSHO, when you are in prison, you lose a vast majority of your rights. You clearly lose your 2A rights, and I DEFINITELY think that 1A should be on that list too. The networks shouldn't even be allowed in there!

Sickening... Those networks will truly air ANYTHING for viewership...


New member
Oh, and you can also cast a vote as to whether or not VH1 should be allowed to air the show, FWIW...


New member
Should VH1 be allowed to air 'Music Behind Bars'?

76% No

24% Yes

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate.


New member
Well, theres a difference between the two following questions:

Should VH-1 air 'music behind bars'?


Should VH-1 be allowed to air 'music behind bars?'

The first one garners a resounding 'NO' in my little world, the second one is dicier...haven't thought it through all the way yet (1 minute, 30 seconds later). I'm somewhere in that grey area between conservative and libertarian, but by TFL-fringe standards I'm a soccer-mom statist...so I'm still undecided. :D



New member
True, Mike, there are several issues.

Of course VH1 should be allowed to air whatever the heck they want.

HOWEVER, they should NOT have been allowed in the prison to make this crap in the first place. THAT is the real issue that bothers me.

Obviously, I would not infringe upon anyone's first amendment rights any more than I would their 2A rights...

VH1 is suffering from severe lack of morals, ethics, judgement, and any intelligence whatsoever.

The problem is with the prison (govt.) that would allow its prisoners first amendment rights to begin with.

If you can, esp. if you have broadband, watch the video on that site...


New member
hey, there we go. Lets get to the root of the problem. Free time for prisoners should be filled with unfun things like hard labor and perfecting the art of not becoming your cell-mate's new girlfriend, rather than playing in a rock and roll band.

Clarity of thought. Thank you.



New member
Yes, VH1 should be allowed to show their programme.

Yes, the felons should be permitted to form a band.

Regarding allowing film crews into prisons - yes. Otherwise, where are our eyes when the prison guards decide that the "human trash" they guard are their personal playthings?

Should you vote to see the program? Nahhh... but a VH1 poll is hardly a guiding light of all our minds, now is it?

So yeah. It's disgusting. Yeah, it's trash. Yeah, it's shock-schlock. But if you tread on them, how long is it until you decide to tread on me?

Don't espouse what you despise, even when it's servicing something you abhor. Leave it to the individual.


And... you're getting the faces, bodytypes and physical mannerisms of Known Evildoers, for free. Guess what? That would be targetting data...

Miss Demeanors

New member
Oreilly was talking about this on several shows and played some clips of the 'band'. He contacted the Governor who was just as appauled this was allowed to happen in the first place. However, no one has yet to stop it. I don't get it. Why should taxpayers be paying their hard earned money for a rapist and murderer to be in a 'band'? Total BS :mad:


New member
Miss D:

Presumably they're either using their own instruments, or kit that's part of the prison in the first place.

If their kit was bought specifically for them to form a band, then yeah, I'll be blazing. My points stand, though.


New member
How do you think this lady voted?

NEW YORK — Christopher Bissey murdered teenagers Mary Orlando and Jennifer Grider in 1995. And now he's about to have his television debut on VH1's new series, Music Behind Bars.

Not surprisingly, that doesn't sit well with Orlando's mother.

"It offends me a lot that he's doing this and my daughter's dead," said Bethlehem, Pa., resident Mary Orlando, who is encouraging people to boycott the show.



New member

Boycott the damned thing! Tell your friends, family and cow orkers to vote No to the never-to-be-sufficiently-accursed abomination. But don't try to Legislate it away.

Am I clear?
Should VH-1 be able to air the video, certainly. Should they have been able to make it in the first place, certainly not.

Make no mistake, tax dollars were wasted. To make such a documetary, facility staff had to take time off from other duties to check all the people, and electronic equipment required, into the facility, then ensure their safety while they wandered around in the midst of the population, and check them all out. If they wanted to make a documentary, then let the inmates get a video camera (if they are allowed other similar electronic devices like televisions) and make their own. The facility should have reasonable rules to ensure safety and maintain order, and those should preclude using scarce, state funded manpower to ensure that felons have high production values for their videos. The First Amendment most certainly applies to prisoners, but does not allow them unlimited expression (if it did then that double murder would have been covered as "self-expression").


New member
I still disagree with you, Bog.

I think that once you are incarcerated, especially for violent crimes, that you lose a majority of your rights. I'm not saying that the guards have the right to mistreat you, however, you should NOT have the right to play in a band, whether you buy the instrument or not. And Vh1 should NOT have been allowed into the prison for the purposes they intended.

As I said: You clearly lose your 2A rights in prison, and I think others darn well should follow. Isn't that the point of prison??? And Mike has a point: What the heck ever happened to prisoners stamping out license plates all day? Didn't Louisiana re-institute the chain gang several years back? That's what I'm talking about!!!

Think of it from another angle: You are sitting at home with your family, and suddenly you see your daughters rapist yukking it up and jamming with his buddies on VH1. Being younger, (22) I can safely say that Vh1 and MTV are VERY widely watched networks among young people. While I hesitate to say it, I think it needs to be said: What sort of message does that send to young people? That being a criminal is ok? That criminals are celebrities of sorts?

That is sick.


New member
Gee, maybe prison's not such a bad place afterall.

Who needs to be following any sort of society's rules and be a pruductive individual anyway? Prison looks like a free ride. Plus all your friends are there.

Am I missing something?



New member
I don't like the way the poll is phrased: should the channel be "allowed to air" the show? Of course. Any channel should be allowed to air whatever it wants; anything else would be roughly akin to book banning.
HOWEVER, the material for the show should never have been created. The question should have been whether or not such activity should be part of prison life.