VFA (Visiting Forces Agreement) Comments


New member
Hi everybody: This is my first post under Political Legal. I would appreciate how would you view the VFA agreement between USA and my Country (Phils.) Would it gives you benefits in many perspective or it would be another expenses and creating anti Americans feelings of the activist in your country and in my country.

If you ask my opinion, I am in favor as long as there is a mutual respect, mutual benefits and mutual security and economic advantages.

I disregard about the feeling of my countryman of saying, why we depend our security to another country, the abuse of some serviceman etc. For me, it is okay to depend upon the help or assistance of any country for I believe that no country can manage its own affair. Even America she depend from other countries to base his forward forces to have advantages before the real problem reach to her shore.


[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited January 31, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus

I think you talking about the Phillipine Islands and not Phillidelphia, yes? I havn't read VFA could you provide a link?

I've visited PI many times in my travels. Lovely Country (when you get away from the "US Military dependent" areas.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"


New member
Yes Sir, I am talking about the Philippines.

Glad to hear you've been there.

Pls find attached related topics about the VFA till it was signed by both countries.

Thank you,

China not opposed to RP-US war exercises.

CHINA is not complaining about the conduct of ''Balikatan 2000,'' the month-long military exercises between the Philippines and the United States that will start tomorrow. Defense Secretary Orlando Mercado yesterday said Chinese Ambassador Fu Ying had assured him that China was not opposed to the conduct of the war games as these were a bilateral concern between the Philippines and its long-time defense ally.

RP-US war games show 'alliance alive'

Militant groups plan rallies to protest Balikatan 2000

THE PHILIPPINES and the United States yesterday launched large-scale joint military exercises which officials said were aimed at bolstering their capability to deal with regional security crises.

The launching came amid a renewed word war with China over territorial disputes on the South China Sea and threats by communist guerrillas to harm US troops taking part in the actual, month-long maneuvers, which start on Monday.

Defense Secretary Orlando Mercado and US charge d'affaires Michael Malinowsky said the resumption of the Balikatan (meaning ''shoulder-to-shoulder'') exercises after a five-year lull would strengthen bilateral defense ties and contribute to regional stability.
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New member
Bruels, the VFA is a new signed Defense Pact between Philippines and USA. It is a revival of the previous Military Pact between the two countries since the US withdrawal of all her Armed Forces in Phil Soil. Now, US troops are back for Military Joint Exercises under the New Treaty "Visiting Forces Agreement". Are the US public aware of this relationship of my country and your country. If so, what are your perception, are you against it or in favor. The same as to the Filipinos some sector don't favor and the other sector too consider as a menace to the country in many respect.

Thank you.


New member
Not having the time to go through all of the references you posted, I can only give you my opinion based on my experiences of the previous agreement which ended when Ferdinand Marcos was forced to leave your country and Philippine nationalists insisted the United States leave shortly thereafter.

I think a good portion of the threats the Chinese are posing to the Pacific Rim is attributable to the lack of U.S. naval and air forces presence since the United States was forced to withdraw from Subic Bay and Clark AB. The Republic of the Philippines is feeling the Chinese pressure in the Spratley Islands.

I think that for any agreement to have any credibility to the Chinese, your country will have to reconsider allowing U.S. naval forces to be based once again in Subic Bay and allow the U.S. Pacific Air Force (PACAF) to be once again based at Clark AB.

I have no problem with a mutual defense agreement between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines, but it has to result in a credible force for the defense of your country and the other friendly countries of the Pacific Rim. Guam is just too far away to present that force-in-being.

BTW, I served on aircraft carriers Kitty Hawk, Ranger, and Enterprise when they operated in your waters in 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980, and 1986. I enjoyed my visits to Manila, Angeles City, Baguio, to name a few.


New member
I've had the pleasure of visiting Clark AB and the surounding area from 89 to when they closed Clark AB after Mt Pinatubo erupted.

I've seen both the good and bad of the PI, was there when some Americians got shot for being US Servicemembers. I've almost been ambushed by anti american forces on more than one ocassion. Had a blue guard save my bacon along with a couple of other friends once as we almost stumbled upon a gun fight between the PATH and sombody else (do not remember who). I've also been caught in extremly anti US demonstrations more than once.

I was within 10 miles of ground zero for the earthquake in 89 or 90??? We dug for days helping the locals, you can not immage the gratutide we recieved just for being there and trying to help. But Aquino was within 100ft of a US team helping recover bodies and all she did was to spit in their direction. (found out about this from the NCO in charge of that team) She also never mentioned anything about the US helping except that they needed money.

While the PI is the most beautiful country I've visited overseas and from what my limited knowledge of things are like. The majority of PI citizens wanted (back then) a continuing American presence there. The few people I had the chance to talk to were extremly pro Americian and it was the younger high school and college students that were so anti American.

The US has a vast and proud history in the PI and I'm in favor of mataining a US presence and helping the PI if the majority of PI citizens want us and can keep Americians from needlessly being killed by anti American groups.

Is the PI ready to accept a US presence, re open Clark and Subic Bay along with keeping the sparrow hit teams from once again attacking Americans.

Otherwise why go where we are not wanted????

Jack 99

New member
Tough one because I think Imperialistic activities by the U.S. cause us lots of problems long term. On the other hand, you can make a legitimate argument that our national interests dictate a presence in East Asia.

I don't know how the Filipinos really feel on the subject but I think we have to respect the decisions of a Democratically elected govt.


New member
I am glad to hear different opinions on how you feel towards US presence in the Phils. Well, if it comes to US presence they are always there especially in the business sector.

I am referring particularly on the Military Presence.

As I have said in my first post, I am in favor of this VFA agreement or treaty, as long as there is mutual respect and benefits to both countries.

If I remember correctly my history subject in school.
-The only remorse of some sector in Phils is, it looks like that Phil Gov't will always depend on foreign Aid if it comes to its security.
-For a long time that we are under US intervention in Politics and in all the countries interest, we are now the most left behind country in Asia, which is in contradiction to during the 60's that we are second or at par to Japan.
-Also the former Clark is not rented well the same as US is renting bases in Europe.
-There are military aid during those times but they are all WW vintage. (this time at least there are already state-of-the-art weapon being given). and the Phil gov't is awaken of the necessity of modern mil hardwares so, they passed the mil modernization program of the country.
-The Clark and Subic Bases left many unrecognized amerisians. The Military presence will contribute to social problems as it creates white slavery.
-The american serviceman, even they commit crimes, they are just free to leave the country.
All of the above are being remedied and the VFA come to effect.

As I said I am in favor, I am just showing the sentiment of the Anti Americans sector.

But, I am also observing many past Phil Gov't, especially the president and some sector of the senate and congress, that mostly of them when they are still opposisionist, they are so much anti americans, but then if they are in power they kiss much the ass of uncle sam.

For example, our current president now, formerly he is an anti bases extension presence in the country. He has even a film that is anti americans, voted for the end of US bases presence in the country, but now that he is a president he is the sponsor of VFA agreement. There is no consistency. Another famous person now is the defense secretary "Orly Mercado" an activist, all of these people are anti americans presence in the country particularly the former two big bases, now that they are in power they the the most sponsor of this VFA agreement.

This only shows that whoever is sponsoring anti US presence in the country are not genuine. It is proven by great ties of Fil/Am before and after World Wars that there is good ties betweent the two countries. But what we want is the small brown asian should be given mutual respect and benefit.

It is not just only enough to say that bec. of the chinese problem re Spratly, then the US military is needed. It is well understood by many intellectuals that US presence in the region is really necessary for peace stability and normal flow of trade among nations. Because if we put that way that Phils. asked help bec. of Chinese threat, I believe is not enough ground to justify the ratification of the VFA agreement.

Thank you of hearing all your opinions.