Veterans Salute Guns


New member
I remember reading something somewhere recently that many Veterans are now being buried without the honor guard performing the salute because many Vet organizations no longer have operable guns to do so.

Each and every day we lose thousands of WW2 vets nationwide. The Korean Vets are now getting to the age where many of them are starting to go to that big parade ground. Heck, even most VietNam vets are in their fifties and some are even in their sixties!

This travesty of not being able to honor our departed Vets with a salute because they no longer have the operable guns is incredible. I should think that it borders on criminal!

I have begun my own campaign to inform our eleced officials that something needs to be done about this matter. The US Armed Services still have stockpiles of 'obsolete' M-14s in inventory. The reason they won't release them to the public is the fact that the M-14 has select-fire capability. With some careful, simple modification, those thousands of M-14s could be permanently rendered semi-auto only and given to Veterans organizations for Honor Guard duties. Heck, they have so many surplus M-14s that they could sell the excess to us regular civilians under the DCM/CMP program to pay for the modification to all of the guns. This is certainly better use for them than chopping them up as Clinton has ordered!

Imagine the positive publicity we could generate if we members of The Firing Line were responsible for making this idea become a reality. What a legacy!

Contact your representatives today and let them know what you think!

With humble respect for all of our Veterans,

Milo C. Swanson, Jr.


New member
I don't know which one of us is right, but what I heard was they were having trouble coming up with enough people to man the honor guards. Since the drawdown, there's more funerals than there are honor guards, and they were thinking about using recorded taps as a standard policy unless a live honor guard with bugler was requested. I think they still intended to have one person there to present a flag to the family.