Veterans Day - Saturday, Nov 11th


Staff Emeritus
Saturday is Veterans Day

This Saturday, November 11th, is again Veterans Day.

It is well and good to remember and thank those who are still around to
thank; but let’s remember some others:

- Let’s remember the vets who sit or lay in veterans hospitals across
America. Many of these hospitals are underfunded, understaffed, run-down,
with an inadequate list of “approved” medications. We have many heroes
clinging to life in hospitals which frequently are little more than
“warehouses” rather than institutions of loving care for those who gave so
much to preserve liberty and our republic. When was the last time you
visited a vet, just to say hello or maybe, just maybe to thank him for what
he tried to do for us? Do you wear a poppy? Do you ever, in any way
acknowledge what many of these broken souls have done for us?

- Let’s remember again those “who gave the last full measure of devotion” -
those whom we once or twice a year call “those honored dead”. We honor
them once or twice a year but, to quote Lincoln, “it is altogether fitting and
proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate,
we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men,
living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it far beyond our poor
power to add or detract.”

Where is that “here”? Well, Lincoln was, of course, referring to Gettysburg.
But the “here” for Americans fighting for us, for our families, and for our
Republic has been on every continent and on every one of the seven seas.
They were there. In many cases, they are there still - both the living who
currently serve and the dead who lie on foreign soil.

What about the living who can not return. There are those who say there
are no American POWs alive anywhere in the world. Is that true? Must we
automatically believe that all the sightings of POWs were lies?

Remember the U S A carefully stomped into a rice paddy (confirmed
by overhead photography)? How could that be called a mere coincidental,
natural or “unconfirmed” occurrence? Were the tall, blond-haired slave
laborers working in rice fields (reported by Swedish civilian observers)
actually short, dark-haired Vietnamese? Was the shouted phrase in English,
“Tell them we’re here!” only a garbled Vietnamese greeting?

What about the widows, parents, and children of those who served and
never returned? Do members of our communities help these people? Do
employers try to give the family remnants of the dead defenders of America
any preference in finding work and an honorable means of self-support?

Do we mean the solemn thanks we give our veterans or are our speeches,
parades, little flags on graves and so on merely a way we can show our
“thanks” for a couple hours and then forget for the rest of the year - year
after year after year?

It’s a tough question. Before we answer, let’s ponder what we’ve done for
vets and their families. Let’s compare what we find in our hearts and daily
actions against “what they gave.”

Let’s remember. Let’s “Never forget!” Let’s unite and restore what our veterans so
freely gave to preserve. Let’s work together to ensure that both the living veterans
and “these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a
new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the
people shall not perish from the earth.”

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 09, 2000).]


New member
If you can take unrelenting heartache for 300 pages, read "Five Years to Freedom" by Colonel Nick Rowe, USA (Ret). He was captured by the VC in 1961 or 62, IIRC, while he was there as a Special Forces advisor to the ARVN. He was held by the VC in a tiger cage for five years instead of being turned over to the NVA. Col. Rowe just passed away a couple of years ago. Rest In Peace, Hero.

If you don't shed a tear reading this book, you are a tougher man than I am.

Jarhead out.

{Edited to say that if you can't find this book, email me and I'll lend you my copy.}

[This message has been edited by Jarhead_22 (edited November 09, 2000).]


New member
Thanks, Dennis. Well said.


NRA Life

"Government is not reason: It is not eloquence, it is Force. ... like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
- George Washington


New member
My wife forgot to contact the local veteran chapters to arrange for a speaker for Veterans Day at the assisted living facility where she works so she vountered me to do the program. I said I would on the condition that I could bring my 1911A 45ACP to pass around to the old-timers (un-loaded of course). :D


New member
In Honor of All Veterans.

Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb, a jagged scar, a certain look in the eye.

Others may carry the evidence inside them: a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel in the leg

Or perhaps another sort of inner steel: the soul's ally forged in the refinery of adversity.

Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept America safe wear no badge or emblem. You can't tell a vet just by looking.

He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't run out of fuel.

He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than five wooden planks, whose overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the cosmic scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38th parallel.

She - or he - is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep sobbing every night for two solid years in Da Nang.

He is the POW who went away one person and came back another - or didn't come back AT ALL.

He is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat -but has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into soldiers, and teaching them to watch each other's backs.

He is the parade - riding Legionnaire who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand.

He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and medals pass him by.

He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb Of The Unknowns, whose presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory of all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep.

He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket - palsied now and aggravatingly slow - who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when the nightmares come.

He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being - a person who offered some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country, and who sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice theirs.

He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness, and he is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest, greatest nation ever known.

So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just lean over and say Thank You. That's all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.

Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU".
author unknown


New member
I salute all those who have served, and in turn accept the salute from others for serving over 21 years faithfully.

A son is the best friend you'll ever have!


New member
Once again the year has slipped by!

Once again I am free because of the sacrifices veterans have made in my behalf.

I am also a better man partly due to being a veteran.

You are welcome , and thanks

"How about a kiss for your cousin Dupree"


New member
Our sacrifices pale in comparison to those you have made. I stand in awe and admiration.

As I hear Taps played again this year I know the usual will happen - My heart will fill with pride and my eyes will fill with tears.

Thank you all...



New member
Yes, and while out on Veteran's day, make it a point to swing by the local get-together of the local DNC campaign mentioned in the link, and following article...

Choosing Sides
A follow up to "A Nation Divided"
By J.J. Johnson - Posted: 11.10.00

As Sierra Sue will show you, our mailbag broke new records over the article "A Nation Divided." As we offer our gratitude and we appreciate all the feedback, I must admit that as I search my heart, I’m not too happy about it all. Not only have hundreds of you agreed, but it’s how strongly we all agree that concerns us here at Sierra Times.

One of the most disturbing feedback messages was one that asked, "Who shall lead us?"

I can only answer that question with a question: Does the quest for individual liberty need leadership?

Americans, we truly ARE a nation divided at this time. Each one of us in our own hearts knows who we are. As we all watched the childish behavior of our adversaries in Florida since November 7, 2000, the fact that we are so divided with no chance of bridge-building has become apparent.

It’s more than the accusations saying people are too stupid to miss the sample ballots mailed to them, or samples in the newspaper, and on the wall at the polling place. It’s more than accusations of people being "intimidated" from voting. It more than people making two selections on a ballot and wanting a chance to vote again. It’s about the fact that they want us to believe it.

Over the last few days, have you had arguments with your co-workers over the election? With family members? Neighbors?

Frustrating, isn’t it? Like I said, there is no negotiating anymore. Battle lines have been drawn. Our opposition will not back down – no matter how much logic we produce, or how right we are.

The Gut Check: It isn’t a matter of avoiding war, or preparing for war. We are at war. Only the shooting hasn’t started – yet.

And now we see the opposition is planning major protests this weekend in as many cities as possible. The possibilities of meeting those protests head on were discussed. But they have the organization. They have the resources. They have the power. They have the Media. They are willing to take it to the streets. They are willing to get in people’s faces…

…and that’s why we never get anywhere.

Real America watching CNN waiting for someone else to do it won’t work anymore. It has been said that if we have counter-protests it will be smaller due to our lack of organization and money. But they HAVE to be countered.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

From this point forward:

When they get in our faces, we get in theirs.

When they give a phone number, we melt the lines.

If they own the media, we use the off-button. We use OUR media – the one you’re using now.

We don’t need the resources. We don’t need the organization. We just need to have the courage to stand up to them. We have shown at the ballot box that we are at least equal to them in number.

We must hold the line to the point of refusing to recognize any unlawful attempt to subvert the constitutional manner of our elections any further. What am I saying?

If they force their way into power:

We must refuse to remain silent.

We must refuse to support their regime.

We must refuse to submit to any illegal authority.

We must not associate with them.

We must never surrender our property

We must never surrender ANY of our Constitutional Rights.

We must not grant them any legitimacy whatsoever.

For too long, we have sat silently watching as the real extremists have expended endless energy to change the status quo in this nation. We've chosen sides in a cultural war and sat on the sidelines and have been losing by default from non-participation. We can no longer be inactive and expect to keep our liberties without bothering to engage in the necessary vigilance. It's time to literally get up and get active.

No more silently watching as leftist freaks propose new outrages for our school children. Join the PTA and get in the face of some liberal puke that wants to teach your children to be gay. When they insist, give junior a day off from school and take him to the gun range instead . Become a Boy Scout leader and let it be known that no one there is gonna sodomize (yes, I said SODOMIZE) your little boy. When there's a demonstration for your gun rights, call in sick for once and be there. When someone’s being victimized by government – be there. Speak up. Make someone angry. Let them know they aren't doing this without us watching and knowing who they are and what they're doing. If you can't be as physically involved as you'd like to be or should be but have other resources, send a buck or two to an organization that’s REALLY fighting for your rights.

(Shameless Plug: If we had $5 for every person that told us they love the work we do here daily, we wouldn't worry from week to week if there's even going to be a SierraTimes to do what we do. If you can help us, please do so. Let me also take this time to once again thank our all-volunteer staff. We absolutely wouldn't be here without you.)

It’s time to make Political Incorrectness…cool.

Yes, this is a tall order. But we have a country at stake. Our posterity is depending on us. You are just one person, but know that there are thousands who will stand with you (read the mailbag again). You must be the leader of your own personal resistance to tyranny once and for all.

If we are not willing to take these steps, then the difference between us and your opposition is that they know what is at stake. Between now and January 20, 2001, this is a winner take all proposal. Their cards are on the table. They will battle this in courts, and when that fails, they will take it to the streets – just as predicted. We must let them know in whatever way possible that we will not surrender. We must match them tactic for tactic. Once we stand against them, history shows that they will fire first. Mark my words: They will use FORCE when they don’t get their way.

Who shall lead us you ask?

Let our God and our conscious lead us. If we have the faith of a mustard seed, He will provide the stewards for the task. If there is a beef among you, save it for after we’re done. Our leaders must lead from the front – not the rear. Supervisors must have Super Vision. No matter how this turns out, history will write about this. "A Nation Divided" was not about me, it was about you – each of us knowing what was already in our hearts. Each of us knowing our ultimate destiny. To those who sent in their comments – to those who had that upset feeling in their stomachs, thank you, but more importantly: The nation we seek to maintain is not divided. It resides in each one of us. And to build that more perfect Union, we must unite against a common enemy. I will leave you with this:

…Our forefathers gave us the Bill of Rights for when they try to take Our Constitution away from us.

Never Surrender,

J.J. Johnson

To Those That Shall Lead – your followers await you.


Gore Headquarters Has Voice Mail for Incoming Opinions ...

You can call the phone number below to voice your opinion about what is happening with the election. The Gore people have said they are keeping a record and reporting what the opinions are. This is a good forum to make a statement.

Paid for by Gore/Lieberman, Inc.
601 Mainstream Drive
Nashville, TN 37228
TTY (For the hearing-impaired)


Here’s where you can meet the opposition face to face this Veterans’ Day

Protest sites for this 11/11, 1PM your local time: (alphabetical by city)

Asheville, NC: Orange Street Plaza, 62 Orange Street.

Albuquerque, NM: Civic Plaza, downtown.

Albuquerque, NM: Civic Plaza.

Ann Arbor, MI: Federal Building.

Athens, GA: College Square, downtown Athens.

Athens, OH: the old courthouse, Court street.

Atlanta: Olympic Park, across from CNN headquarters.

Austin, TX: the Governor's Mansion in downtown Austin.

Baltimore: Federal Building, Hopkins’ Plaza.

Bellingham, WA: Federal Building.

Bloomington, IN: Justice Building at 301 College St.

Boston: Capitol steps facing the Commons.

Boulder, CO: County Courthouse.

Buffalo, NY: City Hall.

Burlington, VT: College Street Walking Mall

Chapel Hill, NC: UNC campus Pit.

Chicago: Daley Plaza @ Washington & Clark.

Cincinnati, OH: front steps at City Hall.

Cleveland, OH: Mall C at the "Free" Stamp statue.

Columbia, MO: Boone County Court House.

Columbus, OH: Statehouse lawn.

Conway, Arkansas: Toadsuck Square.

Corvallis, OR: Benton County Courthouse.

Dallas, TX: Lee Park on Turtle Creek Blvd.

Dallas: JFK Memorial (court district).

Denver: The circle in front of the State Capitol.

Des Moines, IA: State Capitol Steps.

Detroit, MI: Detroit City Hall, across from Renaissance Center.

Eugene, OR: Public space in front of City Hall.

Eureka, CA: County Courthouse.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL: In front of the Courthouse.

Gainesville, FL: Downtown Square.

Grand forks, ND: City Hall.

Grand Rapids, MI: Indian Mounds by the Ford Museum.

Greensboro, NC: Guilford County Courthouse.

Harrisburg, PA: in front of the State Capitol building.

Hartford, CT: Capitol building facing the Park.

Honolulu: atrium of the State Capitol building.

Houston, TX: Jones Plaza downtown.

Iowa City: Front steps of the Old Capitol.

Ithaca, NY: The Pavillion, in front of Center Ithaca.

Kansas City, MO: in front of the Federal Building downtown.

Knoxville, TN: World's Fair Park.

Lansing, MI: Capital Steps.

Las Vegas: Federal Building, 400 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

Little Rock: Old State House.

Long Beach, CA: County courthouse.

Los Angeles: Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Blvd.

Louisville, KY: Courthouse steps on 6th and Jefferson.

Madison, WI: Capital Steps.

Marysville, CA: Yuba County Courthouse.

Memphis, TN: Bush Headquarters, 1245 Ridgeway.

Miami, FL: Bayfront Park.

Miami: Bayfront Park

Milwaukee: Cathederal Square Park (Wells&Jefferson).

Minneapolis, MN: City Hall and Federal Courthouse at 5th St. & 3rd Ave.

Nashville: Legislative Plaza, downtown Nashville at 6th and Deaderick.

New Haven, CT: Chapel Square Park.

New Orleans: City Hall.

New York: Times Square.

Norman, Ok: the Santa Fe Depot.

Northampton, MA: Courthouse (at King & Main).

Oakland, CA: Frank Osagawa Plaza, city center.

Olympia, WA: Fountain on the Capitol Campus.

Orlando, Fla: Lake Eola Park, by band shell.

Palm Springs, CA: City Hall.

Palo Alto, CA: White Plaza, Stanford University.

Peoria, IL: Constitution Plaza.

Philadelphia: Independence Mall.

Phoenix: Patriot’s Park.

Pittsburgh, PA: County Courthouse.

Pittsburgh, PA: Market Square.

Portland ME: Monument Square.

Portland, OR: Pioneer Courthouse Square.

Providence, RI: Kennedy Plaza.

Raleigh, NC: Capital Building Lawn.

Raleigh, NC: NC State Bell Tower.

Richmond, VA: front of State Capitol building.

Rochester, NY: Manhattan Sq. Park.

Sacramento: State Capitol.

Salt Lake City, UT: new LDS Park.

San Antonio: The Alamo.

San Diego: In front of Building A—San Diego City College.

San Francisco: Justin Herman Plaza.

Santa Barbara, CA: County Courthouse.

Santa Cruz: Clock tower.

Santa Fe: Plaza downtown.

Seattle: Central Community College.

St. Paul, MN: Capitol building.

Tallahassee, FL: State Capitol building.

Tallahassee, Fla: state Capitol building.

Tampa, Fla: The Old Gandy Bridge-Gandy Blvd.

Tucson, AZ: Armory Park.

Washington DC: the U.S. Capitol building steps at the end of the Mall.

West Palm Beach, FL: Courthouse downtown.

I for one, plan on being in Des Moines, IA to meet these scum headon, and make it known that there will be little tolerance for the crap going on with the elections, and the unmitting gall it takes to conspire to strip this nations rights away, on the very day set aside to honor those who gave much, many all, to preserve this nation from exactly what they propose to do.

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited November 10, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus
If you decide to go, make a good presentation.

- Dress well. No fatigues, old clothes, etc.
- No weapons! Not even when legal! I disadvise carrying so much as a penknife.
- Stay calm. NO violence! Let the opposition appear radical.
- Have some money or proof of income so you can not be jailed for vagrancy. If you have enough for bail - even better.

Surely there's more! Please add to the list.

Has anyone advised Mother's Arms or the Tyranny Response Team? Who else needs to know?

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
Oh, by all means, I'll be the model of society when discussing the merits of the Election process, and how some would have it neutered.

I expect there will be media there, and plan to have a video of the affair of my own.
And I fully expect the worse to come about, such as harassment, name calling, etc. That's OK, I came from a large family. :)