VERY interesting afternoon!

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I am from Northern Michigan, as some of you know... and I unexpectedly got the weekend off from work, and decided to spend it in LAnsing, visiting my Mom and Sis...

They both work until late afternoon, and I made it down here at about 1 pm. So, I decided to make a run to my favorite local gunstore/pawn shop...

I was browsing the handguns in the store, and thinking about how nice that Smitty 4013 would fit in my collection... and this "disadvantaged youth" you know what I mean, pants-crotch between his knees, baggy 5X shirt, and greasy dreadlocks... (he hadta be 21, since he was looking at handguns) was there, checking out the "Glock fotay"...

he ACTUALLY made the comment to the clerk, loud enough for me to hear, and htis is the comment... "I really like this hear piece... what if I was to just pull out a piece, and point it at you and take this one?"

the clerk stood there, half frozen, and kinda regurgitating a few unintelligable sylables...

SO, I calmly put my hand on the grip of the Smitty 410 I had on my hip, and said nothing...

the clerk FINALLY (after what WAS likely 5 seconds, and seemed like 3 hours) fund a voice, and told the punk to leave... (shoulda held the kid for the cops)

THEN the clerk apologized to me, and said he wished the owners would let him carry at work...

I was FLOORED... this is the FIRST gnstore have ever been in that DIDN'T have a loaded gun at hand... wow!

and YES, had that idjit tried grabbing a gun from his clown pants, I would have perforated his cranium for him...

I am not sure what is dumber, the kid making that comment, or the store not having a loaded gu at the ready?


The only dumber thing I ever heard of was a uniformed guard carrying a replica handgun because the employer didn't want to pay for somebody who actually had a license to be armed!



What the hell's wrong with you? Someone relates a story of something that happened to them and you immediately call them a racist? If the perp in this story was as described, then who are you to call someone racist for describing the perp? You are so all damn knowing and telepathic enough to tell that this story was made what a gift.

Your crap is that of liberals....let's not call terrorists muslim (even though they are) for fear of upsetting the muslims. We have enough racism police in Sharpton and Jackson....they scream racism every time a flea farts.

You owe this guy an apology.



New member
AR15FAN - BE QUIET if you are gonna make things up!

Racist, WHAT part is racist? I NEVER mentioned the guy's skin color, (which HAPPENS to be the same color as mine... WHITE, since you mentioned it...)

WHAT part of my post is RACIST?

and WHAT PART do you think is made up?

I did NOT mention skin color, race, religion, sexual preference, or ANYTHING ELSE that could even be construed as such, by any NORMAL thinking person...

AR15FAN, go somewhere else, and quit being a troll!


New member

it's not racist at all.

No mention of anyone's race at all. I've seen baggy pants down around the knees, oversized shirts and dreadlocks on white guys, black guys, brown guys.

Now, it might be sexist, since I've never seen a girl dressed that way. Dreadlocks, yes, but not the pants and shirt.

disadvantaged youth
are not race specific nor descriptive.


I think you threw him off when you said "Greasy Dredlocks" In which you normally associate Jamacians and African Americans with. If you guys havn't noticed from his other post AR15FAN has a long history of being a forum troll. He normally screams racism every chance he gets even though the OP in question was not racist at all. But back to OP I think I would have slowly moved away from him acting as if I was looking at something else to get some cover and then watch him very closely with my 1911 loosened in my holster. :D Good thing everything ended well and if I was clerk I'd quit that job ASAP.

44 Deerslayer

New member
Good story, one of those unexpected situations that makes your heart beat faster.

Glad it turned out OK, it's hard to tell what kind of weapon they might be hiding in those baggy pants.


New member
"glock fo-tay" Man I just watched that video again......Funniest stuff ever!

Im glad the kid left and didnt get himself killed. What a moron. Jeez are they really THAT stupid these days?


New member
Hemicuda posted -
AR15FAN - BE QUIET if you are gonna make things up!


Racist, WHAT part is racist? I NEVER mentioned the guy's skin color, (which HAPPENS to be the same color as mine... WHITE, since you mentioned it...)

WHAT part of my post is RACIST?

and WHAT PART do you think is made up?

I did NOT mention skin color, race, religion, sexual preference, or ANYTHING ELSE that could even be construed as such, by any NORMAL thinking person...

AR15FAN, go somewhere else, and quit being a troll!
The reality here is that the only racist assumption was made by AR. :eek:


New member

Howdya guess? yep... Dicker n deal...

They have been good to me... I picked up a rather rare, original, in the box Seneca Green (not the K-Mart green!) Remington Nylon 77 there for a song once ($75.00), and they even had an EXTREMELY hard to find used magazine for a Savage Mod. 225 bolt action 30-30... Numrich wanted 55 bucks for them, when they could find them... other places were about the same... D&D had one, and wanted 8 dollars for it...

then there was the small-ring Mauser 98, in 7X57 Mauser, with a McGowan premium barrel on it, and a 3-12 x 50 Burris scope, for a whoppin' $325.00...

Dicker & Deal has been GREAT to me!
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Deaf Smith

New member

You missed your chance. You told have walked over to the 'disadvantaged youth' and did like Mel Gibson in Maverick. You know where he talked to the would-be gunslinger and showed him his new holster and how the gun just kind of jumps out of the holster it's so fast. And kind of let him know if he tried that stunt in any other gun shop he would be DRT.

As for the clerk, being unarmed selling arms is pretty stupid. I'd suggest to him to get a job at another gunshop where they let him carry. I have actually heard of real cases where they did load the gun and stick up the clerk!

Thank goodness the 'disadvantaged youth' wasn't in Texas. That's no the thing to joke about in a gunshop down here.


New member
I grew up in Lansing and have been to Dicker and Deal many times. I did get a good deal on a used S&W 19-3 nickel .357mag there once. Having said that that side of town sucks (I lived near there for several years) and I would'nt trust many of the characters that are usually in there pawning off junk. I don't ever remember any of the guys in there packin'...and from what I remember talking to the gun guys there they weren't the sharpest tools in the shed:rolleyes:

Lansing needs a good gun store. They have Classic Arms up on the north side, but I havent been there in years. If your ever over by Grand Rapids go check out Silver Bullet Firearms, they will treat you right (and they are all armed!)


New member

Racist is assuming a persons race due to their dress and vocabulary.
Just because someone talks "getto" and dresses like a rapper and has dreds doesn't make them black.
Almost every health food store has a white cleck with dreds.
"dreds...not just for Regee anymore."


New member
Oh gee , never once did he mentioned the ethnicity of the person , and since I live a few miles from the very liberal Evergreen College here in WA I can tell you that I see quite a few natural blondes sportin 'dreds' .


New member
Let's start a new thread, what's the best caliber for trolls?:D

Interesting story, though. I would never have thought that anyone working in a gun shop would not be allowed to be armed.
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