VERY IGNORANT, please help

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New member
I don't know anything about rifles (I've owned a handful of handguns and shotguns), but I'm thinking about buying a relatively inexpensive one so I can hunt deer with the father in law this upcoming season (and I'd like to have a SHTF rifle). I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what to get, caliber, brand name, anything. I live in Nebraska, I won't be using it very often, and again, price IS an issue (concerning both the gun, and the ammo). I hear a lot of people reccomend these Russian SKS guns. For the price are they decent? If not them, what else? Thanks for the help!


New member
Get a marlin 336 .30-30.

30-30 has taken more deer than anyother Caliber in the country.

If all you plan to hunt is whitetail deer thats a perfect round. I know lots of tuff guys will recommend mags and short mags but those are just too much.

Now if your going to be stretching the bullets legs(in ydg). I would consider stepping up to .270/.308/.30-06.

I carry a .30-30 for short yardage(150 yards and under) and an 30-.06 for longer shots.

The 30-30 is the best all around rifle you can own. Good HD gun(believe it or not) Ranch gun, and hunter. I have no qualms on taking shots out to 200yds with mine at all.(just ask the last 10 deer I have taken with it)

You sir, may have just opened a Pandora's box:D


New member
What part of Nebraska do you live? Does your State require a Hunters Safety course before you can get a hunting license, if so have you taken it yet? Most States don't allow hunting with a semi-auto rifle that holds more than 5 or 6 rounds if they allow you to hunt with them at all. This will require you to buy a special magazine for an SKS to hunt with.

Your best bet for hunting deer would be to get a used .30-30 Marlin like suggested above or any bolt action rifle in calibers like .243, .270, .308, and .30-06. These calibers will have large amounts of factory hunting ammunition that can be found cheap. Stay away from mil-surplus rifles like the Mosin in 7.62X54 or Enfields in .303 as hunting ammunition is not easily found in most stores, buy it later for a plinking rifle.

You can pick up a new Stevens rifle made by Savage for less than $300 new and mount a usable scope for another $100-$125 on it. Then get out on the range an practice, practice, practice. Get your shots as close as possible at 100 yards, don't be afraid to burn up some ammunition. For your first hunt try to limit your shots to less than 200 yards.


New member
30.06 would be a good rifle for your needs. Plenty of ammo (good for shtf) and an excellent hunting rifle that's not too expensive. Enough manufacturers make them that you'll have a wide range of choices and that keeps the price down. Fer instance, Savage has a couple of package rifles in this caliber for $500 and $575, the difference being the accutrigger on the more expensive model. The scope that comes with it won't be the best (Simmons) but it's adequate. You can get the same rifle without the scope and put your own glass on it but you said price was a definite factor so the package deal looks pretty good. Here's some links.

Have you checked out the gun shops and pawn shops in your area? My local gun shop always has some used rifles and they've never failed to have at least one nice looking 30.06 sitting around. Since you're on a budget that might be your best bet.


New member
The SKS is a decent assault rifle. It is a very poor deer rifle. It isn't the caliber that is the problem, it is the inherent inaccuracy. If your shots are guaranteed to be less than 100 yds, it would be ok. For shots over that however, it leaves much to be desired. Spend a few hundred bucks and get yourself a decent used rifle that is made of hunting. You can even get a brand new Stevens 200 for that price. I think it is butt ugly but it has a reputation as an excellent shooter.


New member
OK, if SKS is out, and .30-06 or 30/30 would be the caliber of choice, what decent brand name guns should I be looking for? I liked the Marlin .22 Mag I had, but that's as far as my rifle brand name knowledge goes.


New member
I was kind of trying to avoid that one :) (didn't want to embarass myself), but realistically, probably under $500 (but keep in mind I have no problem buying used or waiting around for the right deal to come along)


New member
Well 500 is alright. You could probably come close to getting a Ruger Mini 30, then there are Marlin .30-30's, which are like chevy's, everyones got em and they are like a rock :)D). It all depends on what action you are looking for. Bolt rifles, go with a Savage or a Weatherby Vanguard, lever, look for a Marlin .30-30 or .35, semi-go with the ruger for the price.

Lemme know if you have any questions.


New member
Any rifle with sufficient ammunition will be better than nothing in a SHTF scenario. A 30-30 lever action is a good choice, and you can pick them up used for very reasonable prices, even trade for them at gun shows.

I'm a bolt action fan myself, I like my Mausers and Mosins. While hunting rounds in 7.62x54r are hard to come by at your local gas station, I can usually find commercial 8x57 even in small towns. So something like a Yugo M48 might be a good option for you, even though American 8x57 loads are a little underpowered (they are ballistically about the same as the 30-30) compared to full house European loads (on par with the 30-06).


Brad Clodfelter

New member
You might want to look into a Rem 700ADL black synthetic stock model. They come in 243, 270, 30-06 and 7mm Rem Mag I believe. My local Walmart carries them. I think they had one for $300 marked down. I think their normal price is around $400. They are a good rifle for the money.



New member
in the 30 caliber, I'd go with the .30-06. There are a million gun guys with a million times more info/experience than me, but see attached article:

As far as guns go in your price range, take a look at the Rem 700 SPS. I'm not plugging these guys, nor am I affiliated with them, but they generally have good prices and know what the h*ll they're talking about. I bought my Browning A-Bolt Stainless Stalker from them and they did me right. But at the end of the day, your gun needs to fit comfortably against your shoulder. You'll know what I mean when you find the right one.

In terms of ammo, just start running a bunch of different factory ammo through whatever gun you wind up getting until you find the one that works the best with your gun. Another great thing about the .30-06 is that most any store (or even gas station depending where you are) will have the '06 ammo, and the std stuff is pretty inexpensive. For me and my '06 A-Abolt, the Federal PowerShok 150gr softpoint works the best (about $12/box).

Don't forget about the glass.

Good Luck.

chris in va

New member
You could easily pick up a used Marlin 30-30 if you look around. They're one of the most common firearms made. But a new one plus decent scope/rings would certainly fit into the $500 threshold.


New member
If you come across a used marlin 336 lever action .30-30 (probably 200-275?) they are around 325 to 350 new?, good gun but the round does drop of comparibly fast to others. Could work for defensive purposes as they hold a good 5 rounds in reserve and are quick to cycle.

If you want to make a bit more of an investment and get a nice, hunting rifle, go with any of the three big ones .270win, .308, or .30-06, action type doesn't matter all that much but that's a matter of choice. I've had great luck with old remington 760's(pump) in .30-06. I'd say don't narrow it down right now, get out to gun shops and see what they have, look over as many used rifles as you can in these calibers, they'll all do just fine.

It's like buying a car, don't fall in love with that first one you see or some make, look at each one, the condition, price, as long as it's one of these calibers don't even worry about that...


New member
Hit the Cabela's in La Vista or the Sheel's in Omaha, and buy a used Remington 700 in .30-06, .270, or .308 Winchester. It might even have a scope already mounted on it. You'll be good to go. :cool:


New member
:eek::eek:I totally disagree with much of the advice you have received. A lever action Marlin or Winchester is about the last rifle I would recommend for a novice shooter. Caliber isn't the issue. When you load a 336 or model 94, you must place a cartridge into the magazine and operate the lever to get the round into the chamber. This leaves you with a rifle that has a chambered round and the hammer is coked (intentionally misspelled). The only way to uncoke the rifle is to pull the trigger and ease the hammer down. Simple enough BUT this is a accidental discharge just waiting to happen.

I have personally witnessed at least 2 lever action AD's, one of was by a novice but the other was the President of the local gun club and a very experienced shooter.

I strongly suggest that you consider a bolt gun or even the SKS. Whitetails are not difficult and about any bottle necked cartridge .25 cal and up will work just fine. JMHO


New member
My .02
You'll love a .270 or 30-06, but the Marlin 30-30 is a good idea for around $350 from Wal Mart.
If you go for the .270 or 30-06, get a Ruger M77 or Remington M700. Top her off with a nice Leupold scope and you'll be the happiest hunter around.


New member
This leaves you with a rifle that has a chambered round and the hammer is coked (intentionally misspelled).

How often does that happen to someone. I mean, there are dumba$$e$ out there, but as long as they take time to learn their gun, this wont be a problem. Also the new Marlins have a SAFETY and a half cock. This is why you get a Marlin.


Hit the Cabela's in La Vista or the Sheel's in Omaha, and buy a used Remington 700 in .30-06, .270, or .308 Winchester. It might even have a scope already mounted on it. You'll be good to go.

Yep, +1. Either that or on a budget like that, a new Stephens 200 or Mossberg 100 ATR. Great for hunting or SHTF, reliable, accurate, the whole nine. Caliber preference for your purposes (cheap, hunting, SHTF), would be, in order: (1) .270 win, (2) .30-06 spgfld, (3) .308 win.
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