vertec trigger!


New member
im getting a Beretta Vertec soon because of its great ergonomics, and all around 92 performance.

anyway, ive experienced the"wonderful" trigger pull and others have also said the same thing about the da pull.

Why in the hell are the vertec triggers so awful? different mechanism of some sorts(shouldnt be...) or just a really heavy hammer spring? anyone get a trigger job done on one?

just curious,


New member
Some have said that it only feels harder to pull because the trigger is set farther back near the handle. I say it is just plain TOO HARD! No need for that hard of a pull!

I ordered the "hammer spring pack" (I think that is what it is called) for the Beretta 92FS from Wolff. (It showed up three days after placing the order online!) The standard hammer spring is supposedly 20 lbs. The pack comes with a 16lb, 17lb, 18lb, and 19lb spring.

I put the 16 lb spring in... feels GREAT! Installation of the spring is EASY!! Worst part is removing the grips. :) I have heard that people have not had any problems with the 17lb and even the 16lb spring on the Vertec.

Due to minor surgery I have not been able to fire the Vertec yet, but snap caps feel great. I don't anticipate any light strikes but I will need to check it out as soon as I can at the range. (I might go up to the 17lb spring if I get concerned about carrying this gun.)

Also, I think a company called LTT has a good reputation for doing trigger jobs on the Berettas. (




New member
thanks Logistar!

I think Ill order that stuff tommarow before I go and pick up the weapon.

Its good to know its not something re-engineered. thats what i was worried about.

I have been thinking about sending it off to either E.Langdon or Teddy Jacobs. If i were just getting a trigger job, it go to E.L. Maybe ill send it to both of em. id like the full action job that TJ gives, along with a barrel crown.

Thanks again. Ill install it as soon as I get it!



New member
With the four springs, I figure I can test them and decide which one I want to keep in. - No permanent changes made. I can always change springs at any time.

I really liked the Beretta. I just couldn't handle the large grip on the standard model. The Vertec works great for me as long as I am able to do something about that awful factory trigger.

You should have no trouble changing the spring but if you do give me a shout. Just remember to put pressure on that "black circle" (forgot the term for it) on the bottom of the handle so that the pin is easy to push out. (I used a Q-tip without the cotton to push mine out). Pull the spring out and replace it with the new one and replace the pin.

Good luck! (And if you make it to the range before I do... let me know how it went. I am probably looking at 3 or 4 weeks before I can go.)



New member
I don't know why the stock pulls may suck....but that's another reason to get Ernest Langdon a good retirement! He'll treat you right.

If they put D-model springs in them, stock I wonder how they would feel.

All your trigger job are belong to LTT.


New member
The Vertec has a "short reach" trigger and with the reduced backstrap it makes the trigger feel awfull.Might I suggest that you start with a standard trigger first and see if this doesn't fix some of your problems.I swapped mine out because of the stacking of the trigger that I'm not use to in my other Beretta's.I too added the D spring and really enjoy the smoother DA pull.Throw a skeletonized hammer,extended mag release and a EII target crowned barrel and "bob's your uncle"!!:D


New member
Thanks for all your replies.

I shot the weapon today and was very impressed.

It fit like a glove, was very smooth, and very accurate.

The only thing that needed any serious work was the trigger.

Ill try out those hammer springs first, should help enough for decent shots(I actually threw one at close range in da. it was so terrible i had to laugh).

I do intend to do some stuff that beretta man suggests (elite hammer, crown the barrel[the stock barrel is great, a crown will pull any untouched performance out of it...], tactical mag release, and a tritium front sight. oh yeah a stainless steel guide rod and maybe that standard trigger.

again Im very impressed. This weapon fits my hand excellent. the only other weapons that fits it this good are the browning weapons. The good ole cz fits my hand good but i can reach the trigger better on the vertec in da mode. The build quality is excellent as well. It appears to very durable. dont like the plastic parts but i can get rid of those(only two from what i see not including the grips, i like those!).

thanks again for your replies,