"Vermin" - a poster update

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I decided to update this image for two reasons. For one, the term vermin brings up connotations of the "final solution". I hope that goblin would better evoke an actively menacing creature. The other part of the update would require re-taking the image (Marko, want to star in it?) to remove the finger from the trigger.



Is this an improvement or should I use the older image till a new photo is ready?
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Marko Kloos

New member
I'm game to stand in as a model, although you have to supply the Evil Black Rifle...all I have are those steel-and-wood contraptions.


New member
love the new graphic/text treatment. personally/ I prefer "Vermin" to "goblins" though -- sounds better with the reference to hides.

Unless, of course, you wanna make a Lord of the Rings style goblin cleaver, I guess. :D


Jim V

New member
I don't like either vermin or goblens, that is why I have my anti-vermin/goblin devices. But for the poster, leave it Vermin.


New member
I prefer 'goblins', but when I showed the poster to a friend who was seeing Oleg's stuff for the first time, she said that 'vermin' has a lot more 'bite' to it. I've always assumed that poster's meant to be a bit of a joke at those who say 'you don't need a ______ to shoot deer'. 'Vermin' is closer to deer than 'goblins'

But the new colors & text look great!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Okey, I updated the poster and my site. Thanks for the input.

I am in the process of saving about 12GB of data from my really old computer via Ethernet to CD-Rs and, as I come across old posters, I try to update them. I considered getting a DVD-R as I am generating 4GB of data per photo shoot now but it looks like my beige G3 has reached the end of its upgradeable life. For now, I'll stick with CDs and try to wrap up the updates.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Clarification: I am using a 266MHz G3 (courtesy of DrZox) which is topped out for RAM, VRAM and hard drives. The computer from which I am getting the old files is my previous 133MHz PPC7600. DVD writers are all FireWire and it is doubtful that my G3 would work with that...or that it would be economical to upgrade. For now, it is fast enough, I am just trying to figure out some way to get around the storage issue. CR writing pretty much ties up the G3 as I am using the writer conencted to it while pulling data from the 7600.


New member
actually firewire cards for macs are fairly cheap
sub 100 bucks:

i just chucked out about 20 pounds of olde skool cables and network adaptors
kinda scarey how 1000 dollars of high end computer stuff become valueless crap in 5 years
a preban AR is so much better of an investment


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Oh, I can put a FireWire card in but it might not work. Anyhow, the hardware is only obsolescent...upgrade can wait a little. I am just happy that my maze of cables actually works.


New member

Do you have your posters where they can be used as a screensaver? I'd like them on my PC, I think it would make a great statement.



Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I am open to recommendations of Mac/PC screensaver makers. BTW, if you search www.keepandbeararms.com, you can buy a CD with a screensaver made from my images there for $5. The proceeds go to support KABA.

PS: The server which hosts my site, among others, will likely be down for most of today. Hacker problem, it seems.

Long Path

New member
I prefer the sepia tint to the blue tint. Look at the fingers in the blue tint pic-- the other items in photo seem to have the right gray values, but the fingers are heavily shaded, showing pores and making them look slightly dirty. Perhaps grubby. Not as heroic an image. :)

I like the idea of upping the contrast with the text. I'd put the upper line in a brighter color, and also apply that streak on the background to the sepia pic.

And finally, I've got to question: who is the poster for? Antis will be apolled at the implication that you might mean cops. Pro-gun guys are already pro-gun. I guess there may be a few guys out there that just shoot sporting clays and would never have thought about owning an evil semi-auto rife that would make an audience.

Vermin. Hm. On the face of it, I like it. But it sounds derisive and (work with me, people-- I'm thinking about furthering the goal of the poster, here) judgemental. So who can you shoot in our society? The "Bad Guy"? Sure, but that's a cliche based on assumption that we see into the hearts of our attackers. Wait one-- what about: "your attacker"? Factual, unassuming, non-imflamatory... I like it.

"Some attackers wear kevlar...
Punch Through."

What do you think?