Ventura supports CCW on NPR's Fresh Air


New member
Jesse Ventura made a very cogent argument for CCW on NPR's Fresh Air today. He stated that CCW would have likely made a difference at Littleton, and generally supported CCW. I was rather impressed with him. I'll see if I can find the interview on Real Audio somewhere.


New member
I think I may have to move again...

Any monster sized major internetworking firms out there? Or training schools needing a pistol instructor?


cornered rat

Move to the leftist-occupied Minnesota!? Just when I am thinking of running South...

Oh, well...I am likely stuck here and would welcome your company.


New member
My understanding is that he turned the tables on the reporter, and gave him a little lesson on the 2nd Amendment. I wish I had heard this.

If what you know, isn't what you do, then your training is incomplete.


New member
I saw Ventura on MSNBC's Hard Line or some such. The moderator asked about guns in the home, and Ventura said he had a lawyer friend who was giving away a big yellow sticker that said, "this is a gun-free home". No takers yet. The reporter said, "who would want to put up one of those?" Genius.

Ventura scored about 85% on my good guy meter, only dropping the ball when asked what fed agencies he would axe given the chance. He said that for every action there is an equal reaction [he did not say, "and opposite" btw], and declined to name any agency or program. Other than that, very good.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."

Brett Bellmore

New member
He didn't quite lose me at that point, although a better response would have been, "That's a question you ought to be asking of Republican members of Congress. I'm the governor of a STATE; Ask me what STATE agencies and programs I'd eliminate!" Sadly, from what I've heard, probably none of them... He's not exactly racking up a record as a budget cutter.

Ed Brunner

New member
Actually on that same program Jesse explained himself as a compromise between the two extremes.
I really dont like CCW because it is unconstitutional registration of gun owners. Others see it as progress.
Jesse also calls for mandatory standards for CCW which I also oppose.
"Im sorry.You only scored 299 out of 300. No permit for you until you can control all your shots"
Never happen?

Better days to be,
